The aim of the “Academia-2-Entrepreneurs (A2E)” project is to motivate students and young researchers from the health sciences and medicine to look into the possibility of setting up a company in the Austrian healthcare sector.

To this end, founders were portrayed in video interviews in which they respond to specific questions from students and young researchers on the topic of entrepreneurship. These “best practice” models are intended to further promote entrepreneurial thinking at colleges and universities and encourage students to found their own start-ups.

The project also aimed to promote innovative ideas for the healthcare market with the help of experts and supporting programmes from EIT Health.

The project ran from March 2023 to November 2023. VISIT THE VIDEO PORTAL HERE.

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Contact the project manager for more information:

Mag. Michaela C. Topolnik, MA
Public Affairs & Stakeholder Relations Lead
EIT Health Austria

On this page you will find....
  • your A2E contact person
  • our A2E project partners
  • the A2E project funder

These organisations worked with EIT Health Austria on this project:

This project was funded by:

How to reach us


Mag. Michaela C. Topolnik, MA
Public Affairs & Stakeholder Relations Lead
EIT Health Austria


EIT Health Austria GmbH
Zeltgasse 3-5/5
1080 Vienna