OFFER: RiAtlas monitors patients with COVID-19

8th April 2020

RiAtlas offers innovative symptom-tracking device to monitor COVID-19 patients and support clinical decision making

RiAtlas develops advanced data analysis tools that continuously monitor patient progress and vital signs, from heart rate, to oxygen levels and temperature. They are offering free access to their innovative digital solution for remote monitoring of patients with COVID-19.

The tool is available to patients as a mobile app and wearable device (smartwatch) that tracks their wellbeing and data generated from the device is delivered to clinicians via an intelligent dashboard.

Available for the next three months, the tool will provide continuous patient insights to support clinical decision-making of health professionals and motivate responsible self-management, where possible, of those suffering from COVID-19.

For more information, please contact Luca Romanelli
| | RiAtlas

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