8th April 2020
EIT Health-supported firm makes solution to help patients while protecting doctors
Wellola, a company supported by EIT Health, assisted in the creation of the HSE COVID19 Secure Patient Communication Portal, a digital tool for healthcare professionals to provide patient consultations so that they can keep people well and treat those who are unwell.
This care-enabling technology supports clinicians to treat patients while protecting those medical practitioners on the front-line offering care. Irish General Practitioners and primary care providers can set up an account in the portal to offer their patients secure online communications.
Core features include
- Online booking
- Video consultation software (in app or via text or email)
- Secure messaging
- Form completion to assist in triaging
- Resource sharing
- Payment functionalities (e-Invoicing, payment in video-screen etc)
- e-prescriptions (coming soon)
The patient experience of the portal is via an app, downloadable at the www.hsecovid19.ie website.There is an iOS and Android version. Patients given access by their clinician, can download and log in to the app to manage all communication and share clinical information.
Patietns who are self-isolating can be treated remotely and those who are coming into their GP practice or hospital can be triaged online, booking an appointment, describing their problem and registring before they arrive.
All data is hosted centrally in the cloud, so should clinicians be required self-isolate, they can still contribute to caring for patients remotely should they wish to. All stakeholders (community based, primary care, GP, Hospitals etc.) could potentially access/track/share patient information for victims of COVID-19 via this single, central cloud-based system.
The system was created through a partnership of Wellola and the HSE Digital Transformation Team. Wellola was a participant in the EIT Health Digital Health Validator programme in 2019.
Find out more here: www.hsecovid19.ie.
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