Our dedicated EIT Health contacts represent each of our Co-Location Centres and are happy to help. If you have submitted an “Offer” or need to “Ask” for help in fighting this pandemic, please select the relevant contact for your region.

Co-Location Centre contacts

EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands

Sari Makkonen

Email: sari.makkonen@eithealth.eu

EIT Health France

Jérôme Fabiano

Email: jerome.fabiano@eithealth.eu

EIT Health Germany

Bettina Blees

Email: bettina.blees@eithealth.eu

EIT Health Scandinavia

Annika Szabo Portela

Email: annika.szabo@eithealth.eu

EIT Health Spain

Laia Cendrós

Email: laia.cendros@eithealth.eu

EIT Health UK-Ireland

Adam Mohamed

Email: adam.mohamed@eithealth.eu

EIT Health InnoStars

Daniela Dias-Santos

Email: daniela.diassantos@eithealth.eu