Morning Health Talks

The EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) is a series of events launched to stimulate thought-provoking discussions on the most pressing innovative healthcare topics and create a network environment for healthcare thinkers and doers in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.

Over the past three years, local communities from Europe’s progressive regions have been taking a closer look at some specific healthcare and innovation issues that were crucial for their regional ecosystems while convening regional leaders to help map best practices and common challenges of digital health solutions. All regions face increasing demands to provide health services to patients, and many digital technologies help meet those needs. The local Morning Health Talks bring an outlook on the development of digital health ecosystems in regions considered moderate and modest innovators in Europe, covered by the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme.

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In over 11 regions, key opinion leaders, policymakers, public institutions, innovators, start-up leaders and founders, investors and healthcare professionals discuss some of the most urgent healthcare challenges faced in European systems, such as:

  • Healthcare system transformation,
  • AI in healthcare,
  • Value-Based Healthcare,
  • Data donation,
  • Cybersecurity,
  • and hospital engagement.

Join your local Morning Health Talks events in 2024!

9 May Poland/ Klaster LifeScience Kraków Innovative Hospital – Medical Data: Security, Privacy and Access
14 May Estonia/ Tartu Biotechnology Park Open Innovation in Healthcare – Initiatives and Collaborations
14 May Lithuania/ Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Shaping a Patient-Centric Ecosystem for Rare Diseases through Open Innovation
21 May Portugal/ University of Porto Fostering Open Innovation in Northern Portugal: Assessing the Landscape and Charting the Path Forward
22 May Romania/ FreshBlood HealthTech Where is the first generation of EIT Health supported start-ups-What was the role of Open Innovation in their way?
28 May Greece/ National Documentation Centre
31 May Slovakia/ CIVITTA Alliances and funding for open innovation in healthcare
4 June Portugal/ Lisbon University Open Innovation in Planetary Health: a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field
5 June Croatia/ University of Zagreb Open Innovation in Croatian Healthcare System – Challenges and Opportunities
6 June Latvia/ Rīga Stradiņš University Open Innovation Journeys: Collaborative Pathways, Alliances and Networks
6 June Slovenia/Ljubljana University Incubator How Open Innovations Can Contribute to the Transformation of Healthcare
20 June Czechia/ DEX Innovation Center Open Innovation in healthcare: innovators ↔ challengers
26 June Portugal/ Universidade NOVA DE LISBOA Experiences and visions for healthy living and improved healthcare 
Email us for the details
Morning Health Talks in Numbers
Focus Areas
Mónika Tóth, Director of Regional Innovation Scheme, at EIT Health InnoStars
Balázs Fürjes, Managing Director, at EIT Health InnoStars


Morning Health Talks White Paper