Ireland-UK, Accelerator, Innovation, 2017

21 finalists named for European Health Catapult competition at EIT Health Summit

15th July 2019

They will compete in London during the 4-5 December Summit

Twenty-one innovative healthcare firms were chosen to compete at the EIT Health Summit on 4-5 December in London in the finals of the European Health Catapult competition.

The finalists, all promising healthcare start-ups, will pitch their innovations to compete for recognition, the attention of investors and prizes worth a total of €135,000. The European Health Catapult finalists will compete in three categories, Digital Health, Medtech and Biotech.

The finalists are:

Digital Health

Advantis: Their innovation, Brainance™, is a web-based post-processing and 3D Vizulasiation MRI software that provides a wide range of modules for the processing of brain MRI exams.

Bloodlink: Streamlines the sourcing and exchange of blood, and reduces blood shortages, by connecting all stakeholders on one online platform, which provides a safe, secure and cost efficient way for blood banks and hospitals to find and exchange blood across the nation.

Complex Disease Detector by Hippogriff: An accurate, non-invasive and affordable technology for screening and early diagnosis of heart disease, uses a person’s usual medical data including ECG and demographic data, analysed with artificial intelligence, to offer a great decision support tool to doctors and help them detect heart disease before it gets late.

WIVI by E-Health Technical Solutions: Offers an integrated system based on 3D visualization to detect and improve binocular vision dysfunction.

Evolyst: Health app developers with expertise in software development, graphic design, research and mobile strategy, focus on health, with knowledge in digital health, eHealth and mHealth.

FibriCheck by Quompium: A medically certified application for the detection of irregular heart rhythms, including atrial fibrillation, only requires the user to place their finger on the camera of the smartphone to measure cardiac rhythm and share the measurments automatically with a medical professional.

Viomedo: Seeks to help patients benefit from clinical trials, offering patients easier access to those trials and bringing patients together with medical research to improve vital therapies and to find ways to heal.


Affichem: A biotech company whose mission is to design, develop and market innovative therapeutic molecules and theranostic markers for the treatment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Elthera: Brings together experienced pharma and biotech executives with cutting-edge academic researchers to develop proprietary, first-in-class oncology drugs using a personalized health care approach.

LifeTag: Focused on Research & Development of non-invasive technologies for evaluating metabolism and improving the diagnosis of chronic metabolic diseases, such as Type-2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Lumobiotics: Furthers the progress being made in targeted medicine by developing a safer, more efficient targeted therapy against solid tumors and localised multidrug resistant infections.

Peptomyc: Focused on the development of a new generation of cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) targeting the Myc oncoprotein for cancer treatment.

SpyBiotech: Uses a proprietary protein superglue technology, SpyTag/SpyCatcher, to produce vaccines that are more effective, with a process that is quicker and less expensive than conventional approaches to generating vaccines.

SUN Bioscience: Their Gri3D platform allows creation of a 3D culture to produce organoids, a development that allows scientists to derive stem cells that are unique to each patient, thereby opening the door to personalised drug testing and regenerative medicine.


BrainCare: Seeks to improve the quality of life for epilepsy patients with an app that acts as an epilepsy seizure diary, a cloud portal that allows this data to be shared with medical professionals, and software that allows automatic EEG-analysis for clinical applications.

Enmodes: provides design and engineering services to medical device companies with a major focus on validated computational analyses and optimization.

Oxford Endovascular Limited: Developing metallic mesh tube devices invented by engineers and clinicians at Oxford University to treat patients suffering from brain aneurysms.

Proverum Medical: A novel, minimally invasive treatment for patients with symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), an enlargement of the prostate gland, promises an improvement over conventional prostate surgery.

SpinDiag: A rapid point-of-care screening system tests at-risk patients for all relevant drug-resistances at an affordable price, allowing doctors to make an on-the-spot informed decision about whether or not a patient needs to be isolated from other patients in a hospital.

Surge-on Medical: Developing stiff, steerable, cleanable and minimally invasive instruments for arthroscopy and laparoscopy.

Mowoot by Usmima: Reproduces the abdominal massage performed by physiotherapists to facilitate intestinal transit, the solution to chronic constipation that improves its effectiveness over time.

For more information on the contestants, please download the brochure below.



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