Gemany, Accelerator, Germany

Boost your career and start-up: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training

30th April 2021


Designed to support entrepreneurs and innovators as they face challenges at every stage of the business life cycle, our Innovation and Entrepreneurship training will provide you with the necessary tools to become the next great healthcare disruptor. Browse our catalogue and choose from a selection of workshops covering fundraising, pitch training, clinical trials and more!


What’s on the agenda?

Monday 17 May 2021

14:30-17:30 — Finance and Fundraising & Deal and Product Valuation

Funding and product value are key considerations young businesses need to make in the early stages of development. In this workshop, you’ll gain an understanding of what investors are looking for and learn to maximise your product valuation and deal structuring skills to gain a competitive advantage when negotiating a deal. You’ll leave this session with the confidence to calculate and negotiate the financial aspects of partnering deals in your own company.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

14:30-17:30 — Competitive Benchmarking & Positioning and Differentiation

Benchmarking gives you a structured overview of your company and how it performs on different levels, allowing you to evaluate your strategy and keep your company competitive. This workshop not only illustrates the importance of positioning your innovation but also provides you with the most appropriate tools to perform competitive benchmarking and risk mitigation in your pitch. Bring your thinking hats, because this session is designed to challenge you to think through this aspect of your pitch.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

14:30-17:30 — How to approach big corporates

Pharma companies are often seen as potential partners for start-ups to further develop or validate their product as well as enter the market. However, contacting and engaging the proper person within a corporation is no easy task. This workshop gives you inside tips on how to approach big pharma companies and win over the right person to advocate for your startup.

Thursday 20 May 2021

9.30-12:30 — Workshop: Secrets to a Winning Pitch: How to Wow the Investors/Win Pharma Challenges 

Pitching your idea is something that already takes place in the early stages but is a skill you will find yourself repeatedly confronted with when building a start-up or company. Therefore, we highly recommend mastering this skill, regardless of what stage you are at. The intensive pitch coaching provides you with the guidelines and practices on what to say, what not to say, and how to say it, so you receive the desired response from investors and pharma companies quickly.

14:30-17:30 — Workshop: Startups Meet CRO: how to effectively design and run clinical trials

In this workshop, you will engage with a clinical Contract Research Organisation (CRO) and obtain first-hand information on their operational and business practices as well as the specifics behind conducting a clinical trial. The session covers clinical trial design, a compliant Clinical Study Report (CSR) and the dissemination of clinical trial outcomes towards diverse target audiences, with the chance to ask the experts your questions at the end.

Friday 21 May 2021

11:00-12:30 — What it takes to become a life science CEO

Start your Friday morning with a fresh and honest take on what it means to lead a life science company. In this interactive session, you will meet experienced life science start-up executives and discuss what it takes to effectively transition into the role of a life science start-up CEO. What skills will you need? What challenges will you face on a professional and personal level? What elements can help you optimise your first few months and establish the foundation necessary for maintaining success? Find out the answers in this workshop.

14:30-17:30 — Workshop: PsyHealth worXs: the basis for healthy leadership

Do you know the psychological demands you or your team are confronted with at work? How would you describe the psychosocial working conditions in your start-up? This workshop accompanies you through the process of the legally required psychosocial risk assessments. You will be able to specify the working conditions in your start-up, analyse their potential for being a risk factor for employee health as well as discuss preventive measures to ensure a healthy workplace to ensure your team’s psychological demands are met.

Why enrol?

Professional advice on specific topics is valuable and hard to come by. These sessions give you the opportunity to not only inform yourself in particular areas but also to ask professionals questions, with some interactive workshops giving you the chance to interact more directly with them. Information will be provided on specific requirements and regulations when building a business as well as the essential skills built to guide your start-up to success.

Who should attend?

The sessions are aimed at entrepreneurs, innovators, and start-ups working in Medtech, Biotech and Life Sciences who are looking to take the next steps to expand their company.


Interested parties can apply via Eventbrite until 14 May 2021.

Pricing information

Participants can choose to attend individual sessions or book the courses as a package. The cost is 100 (Incl. VAT) per course, with a package option of 500 (Incl. VAT) in total. Attending students receive a 50% discount on all courses.

Additionally, those who choose to book the package will also receive free entry to the Market Access seminar* that takes place on the mornings of 18 and 19 May. For Medtech start-ups, attendance is highly recommended!

The seminar series gives you the regulatory know-how you need, allowing you to address these requirements sooner rather than later to ensure a successful market entry. The session begins by laying out the steps to CE Mark for medical devices, including Medical Device Regulation (MDR), general safety and performance requirements (GSPR), and the role of notified bodies. Following this, topics such as risk management, user requirements, and pre-clinical validation will also be covered.


*This is the first part of a 2-part seminar series “Basics of Regulatory Affairs for MedTech Start-ups”,  in which participants have the possibility of receiving a certificate at the end. It is a joint event from EIT Health Germany, Medidee and BadenCampus.

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