16th July 2019
Smart glasses, low cost exoskeletons and anti-stress devices, among the projects selected to participate in the programme
The 12-week programme supported by EIT Health helps European research teams launch innovations in devices, diagnostics and digital tools to improve health and patient care. On Monday, six local and two international projects started their participation in CRAASH Barcelona. The programme is organised by Biocat in collaboration with CIMIT – one of the most experienced health accelerators in the world, based in Boston, US. Mentors will help the teams move research to market successfully along a period of eight months which includes on-site and off-site training sessions.
The two-day kick off in Barcelona has enabled the teams to meet with each other and to start working on their projects. The sessions finished with an open talk given by the CIMIT mentors with the title “Being a successful healthcare entrepreneur: lessons from Boston to Barcelona”.
From now on, the teams will be coached through several webinar sessions. Furthermore, during the programme, they will visit other countries to validate their business concept in Partner organisations in France (Medicen), the Netherlands (Yes!Delft), and finally in Boston (CIMIT). Two of the eight teams will be chosen for three additional weeks of training in the Boston Immersion Program by the Richi Foundation.
Click here to learn more about Biocat.
For further enquiries contact:
Cristina Rubio, cristina.rubio@eithealth.eu
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