
DMD Roundtable with German, French, Italian and Austrian Experts

11th September 2024

Digital medical devices (DMD) are playing an increasingly important role in healthcare, and Austria is no exception. Digital health applications (DiGA) support doctors and nurses in the diagnosis, treatment and personalised care of patients. They enable more precise data collection and analysis and can significantly enhance telemedical care.

Additionally, they can contribute to improving health literacy in Austria, making crucial health information more accessible. Since 2020, efforts have been underway in Austria to integrate digital health applications into regular healthcare. The Digital Austria Act has established a fundamental legal framework for this.

Therefore, EIT Health Austria has hosted an international roundtable discussion on September 10, 2024, in partnership with the Austrian Umbrella Organisation of Social Insurance Providers (Dachverband der Österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger), EIT Health France and EIT Health Germany-Switzerland.

Moderated by Peter Ulrich-Koziel, Communications Lead of EIT Health Austria, the participants received insights into findings and experiences within the Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment, as well as the DiGA framework in Germany and France (PECAN).

Besides experts from the hosting organisation, the speaker line up included Marco Marchetti (Vice Chair of the Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment & Managing Director of the HTA Unit of the Italian National Agency for Regional Health Services AGENAS), Barbara Höfgen (Head of the Unit Digital Health and Nursing Applications at the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices) and Vincent Vercamer (Project Director at the French Ministry of Health and Prevention).

Based on the expert inputs, the participants explored the challenges and opportunities for DiGAs in Austria during parallel roundtables and identified ways to integrate best practices.

Do you want to learn more about the event? Click here.

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