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EIT Health “Meets” in Italy for Life Sciences

29th October 2019

EIT Health InnoStars discusses novel solutions that can make healthy lives a reality for all during Italian matchmaking event on Life Sciences.

Three days, 450 international institutions, and 50 meetings with start-ups – all in one place. Between 16 and 18 October, EIT Health was present as a Partner in Trieste, where the Meet in Italy for Life Sciences event took place.

Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is the leading national matchmaking event that is focused on promoting cooperation between the research and industry environments on Life Sciences. This year, it brought to Trieste representatives from a number of Italian health institutions, universities, research centres, companies, start-ups and potential investors. EIT Health was one of the partners of this event.

The discussions were focused on future of medicine, collaborative public-private R&D innovative projects or micro and nanotechnologies and protection of innovation in the field of life sciences, among others. The event was also a great chance for participants to get familiar with EIT Health opportunities. Chiara Maiorino, EIT Health InnoStars Education and Regional Manager for Southern Europe together with Antonio Mattiello, EIT Health Hub Regional Coordinator presented chosen Campus, Accelerator and Innovation projects. In addition, during the “EIT Health: Healthcare Innovative Start-up Opportunities” workshop, which was based on real examples, three Italian start-ups (Fisiolink, Bioridis and Takis) shared their experiences with the EIT Health network, in turn providing some feedback related to accelerator programmes. Fisiolink presented their “start-up journey” via the Digital Health Validator. With Headstart Funding, Bioridis introduced its story to the gathered audience. Takis, one of the biotech finalists, shared their thoughts and inputs regarding the 2019 edition of the European Health Catapult, one of the flagship programmes of EIT Health. Read more about the goals of the workshop here.

Italy is one of four startegic locations of EIT Health InnoStars, next to Hungary, Poland and Portugal. With several EIT Health Partners and one EIT Health Hub it is one of the strategic region among more progressing ones in terms of innovation. If you would like to know more about healthcare innovation in Italy, please contact Chiara Maiorino.

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