4th June 2020
Small consultative group formed to contribute to discussions
This week, EIT Health submitted a contribution to the European Commission (EC) to inform ongoing discussions related to their Data Strategy and AI White Paper.
Key topics included how to secure access to data, build trust in AI, manage risk, apply existing medical and health legislation, and apply an international dimension to all discussions. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened reflections on the issues, as well as demonstrated positive and fast responses to a global challenge that have provided many learnings.

EIT Health conducts a significant number of health innovation projects grounded in AI and data, as well as providing support for entrepreneurs and start-ups who are required to navigate the external landscape in bringing their digital health solutions to market. This is complemented by innovation in the education of health and innovation professionals.
To contribute to ongoing discussions relating to the EC Data Strategy and the AI Whitepaper, EIT Health convened a small Consultative Group from its network to develop a detailed set of recommendations to help inform the ongoing development of the EU strategy and guidelines on data and AI; these can be viewed here.
EIT Health will continue to drive forward the voice of the health innovation community and support European policymakers in the process of shaping policy relating to healthcare and healthy ageing innovation.
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