InnoStars, Innovation, 2019

Glintt hosts other EIT Health partners in European Innovation Networks event

29th January 2019

Held in Lisbon in December

EIT Health Partner Glintt hosted the “European Innovations Network” in December in Lisbon, where panelists – including those from EIT Health Partners in Spain and Hungary – focused on creating an innovation network that brings together entities from academia and industry.

Panelists included:

  • Cecilia Vera Muñoz, who is Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at EIT Health Partner Technical University of Madrid. She is an expert in the management and technical development of Scientific & Technical Projects dealing with ICT applied to the social and healthcare sector. She also is a member of the coordination team of the EIT Health Living Labs network of the EIT Health. Her main topic was innovation labs which created in Spain.
  • László Bacsa, who has over a decade of experience managing technology and knowledge transfer activities at EIT Health Partner Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He is currently the Director of BME Technology and Knowledge Transfer Office and BME Innovation Lab. Through his intervention, it was possible to get to know the innovation hub – Demola – created in Hungary and also the way the innovation is promoted from academia as well as how the relationship between academia and industry.
  • Soumoudip Sarkar, who is Full Professor at the Department of Management from University of Évora and a researcher at Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics of the University of Évora. He also is the Vice-Rector of the University of Évora for Innovation, Cooperation & Entrepreneurship, and the Executive President of the Science Park of the region (PACT). His intervention was about the main challenges regarding the creation of a start-up and the development of innovation in the healthcare sector.
  • Ricardo Gonçalves, who has co-founded b2Quant, a start-up based in Lisbon (Portugal). He has been responsible for the business and marketing strategy, as well as contributed to the technology development regarding brain segmentation software. He shared his experience as co-founder of a start-up based in Lisbon.

For more information contact:

  • Filipa Fixe Santos (Member of GLINTT Executive Board and Director of Healthcare Market):

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