Innovation, Scandinavia

Göteborg skapar ny inkubatorplattform för startups inom life science

26th November 2024

EIT Health startar nu ett projekt för att skapa en ny plattform som ska hjälpa startups att växa. Plattformen får stöd från Vinnova och planeras att ligga på GoCo Health Innovation City i Mölndal. Det unika med plattformen är att startups kommer att få tillgång till både resurser och kunskap från etablerade företag under inkubationsprocessen.

AstraZeneca och Amazon Web Services (AWS) bidrar med sin expertis och planerar att framöver även inkludera områden som medicinteknik och diagnostik. Företagen HealthCap, som investerar i life science, och Vectura, som erbjuder lokaler för innovation inom life science, är också med i projektet. Målet är att skapa en miljö där startups kan växa och utveckla innovationer för framtidens hälso- och sjukvård.

Idag saknas en tvärsektoriell infrastruktur som specifikt stöttar startups inom hälso- och sjukvård och life science. Det här initiativet vill ändra på det genom att koppla ihop industrins expertis med befintliga inkubatorer och skapa en unik miljö för tillväxt inom hälso- och tekniksektorn. Genom att kombinera inkubation med industrins kunskap och resurser är målet att minska riskerna, snabba på innovation och skapa hållbara företag. Projektet inspireras av AstraZenecas koncept ”BioVentureHub” för att hjälpa lifescience-företag att växa.

“It’s about creating a culture and philosophy of open collaboration and knowledge sharing by bringing together the expertise of non-competitive partners. We have done this very successfully for scale-up companies, and now we want to take a similar approach to identify and support all the innovative and sustainable start-ups in the health industry out there,” says Magnus Björsne, Head of AstraZeneca BioVenture Innovation Unit and CEO of AstraZeneca BioVentureHub.

“The new innovations in healthcare technology are increasingly using digital solutions, often to improve the patient’s experience of care. This new incubator will be built on AWS, leveraging AWS’ experience in digital technology and knowledge of cross-industry technical solutions. AWS is committed to empowering innovators with the technology, expertise and resources they need to transform their visionary ideas into real-world solutions that create clinical value. This new incubator has the potential to be a game-changer for founders in the Nordics region. We are thrilled to be part of this collaborative effort to establish a groundbreaking incubator for healthcare and life science startups,” said Guy Spigelman, AWS EMEA Healthcare and Life Sciences Startups Lead.

“HealthCap is devoted to support the life science eco system. We hope that our international experience of creating and supporting life science companies is helpful during the establishment of this exciting project,” says Johan Christenson, Senior partner with HealthCap.

”At Vectura, we are dedicated to creating environments where innovation can thrive. By partnering with this initiative, we aim to provide not only the physical infrastructure but also the strategic foundation that will empower start-ups. This incubator will serve as a catalyst for breakthrough innovations in life science and technology, and we are proud to contribute our expertise in real estate to support the success of these emerging companies. Together, we can create spaces that foster collaboration, growth, and long-term impact,” says Joel Ambré CEO of Vectura. 

“By bringing together university incubators throughout the Nordic region, this initiative will connect start-ups to industry with support from the leading innovation force in Europe. EIT Health is proud to be managing this as it has significant potential not only for the Swedish life science ecosystem, but for the rest of Europe and beyond. By adding an international outreach, we can further accelerate and scale the enrolled companies and subsequently look to ensure the best innovative solutions reach markets and healthcare settings faster for the benefit of patients and citizens,” says Jean-Marc Bourez, CEO at EIT Health.

“We are proud to be part of this ambitious project, further elevating Sweden as a leading life science nation, by creating a start-up framework that can be replicated and scaled across Europe,” says Annika Szabo-Portela, Managing Director of EIT Health Scandinavia.


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