Germany, Innovation, 2018

‘Hackathon am Ring’ sees hackers attack cardiac arrest

16th July 2019

EmergencyEye Hackathon attracted over 100 international hackers to save lives

Over 100 international hackers participated in the marathon supported by EIT Health which lasted 48 hours and produced programming solutions for people with acute cardiac arrest. Hackers from India, the Philippines, Spain, Romania, Benelux, Poland, England, and Germany all worked tirelessly to develop life-saving applications. The “Hackathon Am Ring” had the motto “Save lives with your hack” – hack here meaning: Programming new codes and connecting software solutions, which usually act as shields against one another.

The eight teams not only developed new codes in the 48-hour #hackathonamring marathon, but also developed the projects up to the prototype phase and submitted them to a jury.

The three winners developed the following prototypes:

  • The first team developed an app for smartphones, measuring the quality of the resuscitation activities and transmitting this data to the rescue centre for informed support. Thus, resuscitation by a layman can be better guided from the control centre.
  • The second team developed a data platform fuelled with data through remote access to smartphones to enable better decision-making in an emergency case.
  • The third team developed a software solution to connect rescue services and healthcare services. The solution also provides a video connection from layman to the rescue centre for better information and decision support.

EIT Health Germany was pleased to see that some of the biotech students from the University of Heidelberg who are part of the BETP Programme, which is supported by EIT Health, were among the winning teams. The event was part of the development of EmergencyEye®, which has been supported by EIT Health, part of the European Union’s Institute for Innovation and Technology and one of the world’s largest public sector initiatives, since January 2018. Katharina Ladewig, Managing Director of EIT Health Germany and Jan-Philipp Beck, CEO of EIT Health e.V., represented EIT Health and spoke at the event, together with Stephanie Bechtel and Anke Neziraj from EIT Health Germany.

The project EmergencyEye® was developed by the start-up company Corevas GmbH & CO.KG and is implemented in an international consortium consisting of 11 partners with the aim of reliably guaranteeing remote access to smartphone-based information and functions in health crises and emergency situations.

While the RAMSES (Remote Access to Medical Information on Smartphones during Emergencies and Health Crisis) project is developing and standardising the interface and platform for the smartphones, the project directly prototypes the potentially life-saving product EmergencyEye® up to proof of concept.

The Corevas GmbH & CO.KG partners in the project RAMSES are the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Rheinisch Westfälisch Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), the University of Cologne and the University Hospital Cologne, the Catholic University of Leuven and the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre in Leuven (imec), BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH, ISE mbH, Liki Mobile Solution and the Nofer Institute in Lodz. GetSpeed ​​Performance GmbH & CO.KG was involved as a strategic partner in the conceptual design and implementation of #hackathonamring. The event was further supported by Vodafone as a Media Partner, the Nürburgring as the venue, WIGE Solutions for the entire technology on site, and the Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU) with lectures and coaching sessions.

Click here for EIT Health Germany.

Click here for the Hackathon am Ring website.

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