InnoStars, Accelerator, 2018

InnoStars selects start-ups for European Health Catapult and HeadStart awards

9th July 2019

Awarding the best business concepts from medtech, biotech and digital health across Europe

During the past months, our community has been involved in scouting and recruiting the best start-ups in regions that could represent EIT Health InnoStars and RIS regions in EIT Health competitions. We are pleased to announce that the collaboration of EIT Health InnoStars partners and RIS Hubs have proven very successful in the recruitment of start-ups of high value for competitions organised by EIT Health.

Consequently, the business creation team would like to thank you for all the hard work and dedication when scouting, recruiting and mentoring start-ups in your regions.

The selection criteria for InnoStars HeadStart and European Health Catapult:

The evaluation process of the start-ups and projects was managed centrally via a new platform named Optimy. This increased the transparency level of all evaluation process at a European level and allowed the monitoring of the evaluation process across regions. Evaluators were selected via a public and competitive selection procedure based on a public call published on the EIT Health website. A team of 32 expert evaluators, representing all regions of EIT Health and RIS Hubs, was recruited in order to evaluate all 2018 competitions organised by EIT Health Innostars.

Each start-up was evaluated by three different external international evaluators by a region different from their origin. All evaluators were very experienced in start-up evaluation and entrepreneurship and have used Optimy to report their feedback on evaluated start-ups.

The evaluation results were integrated in all cases of each competition and rigorously reviewed before being communicated to the start-ups.

HeadStart Awards results:

From the 42 applications received, the best 12 InnoStars start-ups were selected by an independent and international jury panel to present an oral pitch on 11 July, in Naples.

The selected start-ups from InnoStars regions, based on the evaluation of their written applications:

  • Italy
    • HeartWatch
    • Navtech
    • Biomimx
  • Portugal
    • inEYE
    • BestHealth4U
    • NeuroPsyCAD
    • NU-RISE
    • CMPI
  • Hungary – Humeltis
  • Poland – Real Research Sp. Z.o.o.
  • Latvia – Koatum

Each and every start-up will receive personal feedback from the evaluators which we will share by via email. The feedback will be sent after a review and a final selection of the start-ups (after the regional selection event on 11 July).

European Health Catapult

The European Health Catapult (EHC) is a training and competition platform, jointly organised by EIT Health and Health Axis Europe. It awards the best-of-the-best business concepts from medtech, biotech and digital health across Europe. EHC sources and accelerates 21 European start-ups in biotech, medtech and digital health that get high-quality training in business plan modelling, deal negotiation and pitch training, as well as a facilitated access to top level investors.

The competition passes through three stages:

The start-ups will be involved in the EIT Health network of world leading medtech, biotech, pharma and IT companies and world class research organisations in healthcare as well as the EIT Health Investors Network that unites international investors (VCs, Corporate VCs, Business Angel, and Crowd Investors).

Again, the contribution of InnoStars partners and RIS Hubs was essential for the successful recruitment of the best start-ups in the InnoStars and RIS regions.

From all applications submitted, four from each area were slected to pitch during the regional selection event in Naples.

The selected digital Health start-ups for the regional pitch:

  • Poland
    • DrOmnibus
    • Harimata
  • Portugal – NeuroPsyAI, Ltd
  • Italy – Kaitiaki Srl

The selected Medtech start-ups for the regional pitch:

  • Bulgaria – BioSens Vital Ltd.
  • Portugal
    • HydrUStent
    • Ri-Te
    • BestHealth4U

The selected Biotech start-ups for the regional pitch:

  • Italy
    • Stem Sel® Srl
  • Poland – Real Research Sp. z o.o.

Regional Pitch Event Agenda:

The regional selection is open to the public, Innostars partners and RIS Hubs’ representatives.

Date: 11 July 2018

Time: 8:30 – 15:00

Location: University of Naples, Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Napoli NA

Pitch: Start-ups will have a chance to present their business to a panel of four international jury members.

  • 8:30 – 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
  • 9:00 – 9:20 Opening and welcome, introduction of the Jury
  • 9:20 – 10:35
    • Pitch session #1 Catapult
      • Candidate 1: Kyme Nanoimaging Srl
      • Candidate 2: Synoesis Therapeutic LTD
      • Candidate 3: Real Research Sp. z o.o.
      • Candidate 4: Stem Sel Srl
    • Pitch session #1 HeadStart
      • Candidate 1: Koatum, SIA
      • Candidate 2: HeartWatch
      • Candidate 3: Nu-Rise
      • Candidate 4: Besthealth4U
  • 10:35 – 10:45 Coffee Break
  • 10:45 – 12:00
    • Pitch session #2 Catapult
      • Candidate 5: Harimata Sp. z o.o.
      • Candidate 6: DrOmnibus
      • Candidate 7: NeuroPsycad
      • Candidate 8: Kaitiaki Srl
    • Pitch session #2 HeadStart
      • Candidate 5: Humeltis Kft.
      • Candidate 6: CMPI
      • Candidate 7: BiomimX
      • Candidate 8: Real Research Sp. z o.o.
  • 12:00 – 12:10 Coffee Break
  • 12:10 – 13:25
    • Pitch session #3 Catapult
      • Candidate 9: RI-TE Radiation Imaging Technologies, Lda
      • Candidate 10: Besthealth4U
      • Candidate 11: Hydrustent
      • Candidate 12: BioSens Vital Ltd.
    • Pitch session #3 HeadStart
      • Candidate 9: Stethotelphone
      • Candidate 10: NeuroPsycad
      • Candidate 11: Ineye Pharma, Lda
      • Candidate 12: Navhetec
  • 13:25 – 13:45 Award ceremony and closing
  • 13:45 – 15:00  Lunch + Champaign

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