InnoStars, RIS, InnoStars, RIS

Morning Health Talks graduates to the multinational level

28th September 2020

An event in Budapest, once only a local initiative, which gathers top healthcare professionals to exchange ideas in a closed group, proved successful and is being expanded to all EIT Health RIS countries.

Morning Health Talks (MHT), a local initiative launched in Budapest last year, has graduated into all EIT Health RIS (EIT Regional Innovation Scheme) countries. MHT started as a low key, local event and was designed as an exclusive, by-invitation-only format, to create an opportunity for key healthcare stakeholders, professionals, decision-makers to network, exchange thoughts and bounce ideas over morning coffee. The event format proved to work well and created a small, but noticeable, ripple effect across the region: this year, MHT events will be held in all EIT Health RIS countries (Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia).

Obviously, graduating a local event to a multinational string of events in 2020 creates a whole new set of challenges related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. That’s why MHT events will be held in different formats: online, offline and hybrid.

The goal of the MHT events project is to cultivate innovation-friendly environment across local communities in countries considered by the EIT (European Institue of Innovation and Technology) “moderate innovators”. “The range of the EIT Health initiatives and projects is continuously proving across InnoStars / RIS that the regions are very active in creating local working communities of healthcare professionals and key opinion leaders. In other words, innovation brews up locally,” said Balázs Fürjes, EIT Health InnoStars Director, explaining the rationale for the graduation of the MHT format to the multinational level.

EIT Health is a proven facilitator, match-maker and accelerator of communities consisting of healthcare professionals constantly looking for innovative ways to improve health, well-being and the quality of life of European citizens.

The Morning Health Talks are invitation-only events. The events are designed to be media-friendly, as EIT Health looks to allow the media to get to know EIT Health better and understand the field of healthcare innovation even more.

Are you looking for a Morning Health Talk event near you? Be sure to check the list below:

  • Morning Health Talks: Riga (Latvia), 30 September 2020;
  • Morning Health Talks: Kosice (Slovakia), 1 October 2020;
  • Morning Health Talks: Gdansk (Poland), 9 October 2020;
  • Morning Health Talks: Romania, 9 October 2020;
  • Morning Health Talks: (the second edition), Slovakia, 2 November 2020;

The 2020 Morning Health Talks main three topics are:

  • hospital and healthcare actors engagement in healthcare innovatios;
  • ecosystem overview as future landscape and how to activate the actors;
  • telemedicine and digital solutions

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