Robots in medicine: The robotics start-ups making a difference in healthcare

2nd October 2024

Robotics FAQs feat. ABLE Human Motion | Other EIT Health-supported start-ups using robotics in healthcare | What is robotics used for in medicine? | Different types of medical robots | What are the advantages and disadvantages of using robots in hospitals?

In this article we introduce the robotics start-ups revolutionising healthcare with our support and go on to explore the various uses of robotics in medicine, different types of medical robots, and the advantages and disadvantages of using robots in hospitals. 

ABLE Human Motion is one of the pioneering EIT Health-supported start-ups using robotics to transform healthcare. Founded in October 2018 by two engineering classmates, Alfons Carnicero and Alex Garcia, and a professor of mechanical engineering, Josep Font, ABLE Human Motion aims to create the world’s most usable and accessible robotic exoskeletons to improve the mobility, health, and quality of life of people with disabilities.

A consortium led by ABLE Human Motion received €2.8M in funding between 2020 and 2022 through an EIT Health innovation project which helped validate and certify the ABLE Exoskeleton with spinal cord injury patients in a hospital setting. The team successfully conducted clinical trials with the device in leading neurorehabilitation hospitals in Germany and Spain, who we connected them with. Notably, this fast-growing EIT Health-supported robotics start-up has recently obtained a CE Mark for the ABLE Exoskeleton under the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) for spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation and is currently working to expand indications for multiple sclerosis and stroke.

We spoke to ABLE Human Motion’s Co-founder and CEO, Alfons Carnicero, and their Product Manager, Katlin Kreamer-Tonin, to learn more about robots in medicine, their solution and how EIT Health has supported them in their journey.

Watch our video FAQs now to learn more: 

Other EIT Health-supported start-ups using robotics in healthcare


Founded in 2019, Irish healthcare automation company Akara began life at EIT Health Partner, Trinity College Dublin, and helps medical facilities improve their operational efficiency with AI-powered systems. Their technology platform comprises assistive robots and room sensors that free up staff and reduce downtime in operating rooms and other high value clinical areas.

In 2022, Akara were supported by an EIT Health accelerator programme where they met Estonia’s largest healthcare provider, and EIT Health Partner, Tartu University Hospital. They went on to sign a Memorandum of Understanding and agreed to begin clinical trials of their innovative technology at Tartu’s hospitals.


Founded by Julian Jagtenberg, Somnox addresses the prevalent issue of poor sleep, with the Somnox Sleep Robot, designed to improve sleep quality by utilising the calming effect of deep breathing. The robot’s natural breathing pattern helps users subconsciously adopt a similar rhythm, promoting relaxation and better sleep without medication. The company attracted series A funding from a Dutch investment fund in 2020, having been accelerated by several EIT Health programmes between 2016 and 2018.

What is robotics used for in medicine?


One of the most effective uses of robotics in healthcare is in diagnosis, with AI-based, machine-learning algorithms capable of diagnosing complaints much faster than human doctors. In fact, a Washington University in St. Louis team built a machine-learning algorithm to check for ovarian cancer indicators which had a 90% accuracy rate in a pilot of 35 patients.[1]


While traditional open surgery requires large incisions to be made, minimally-invasive surgery, which includes the use of surgical-assistance robots, requires a few small cuts, and helps make surgery safer, easier, and more successful with quicker recovery times. Robot-assisted surgery gives surgeons technology-based benefits that extend their human capabilities in terms of accuracy, dexterity, and what they can see, which is especially useful in operations, such as neuro and cardiovascular surgery where extreme precision is critical.

Rehabilitation and therapy

Robotics, such as wearable exoskeletons, stationary robots and end-effectors, are also playing a huge role in rehabilitation and therapeutic purposes for patients recovering from neurological conditions such as strokes and spinal cord injuries (SCI).

Globally, over 15 million people are living with SCI[2] and over 100 million have experienced stroke,[3] many of whom face significant mobility impairments. Robots enable progressive, repetitive, high-intensity gait training based on the principles of motor learning and neuroplasticity. Research has demonstrated that rehabilitation with robotic devices, combined with conventional therapy, is more effective than gait training without these devices.[4]

Wearable exoskeletons, such as the ABLE Exoskeleton, can help to improve mobility and independence in non-ambulatory people, and may reduce secondary health conditions related to sedentariness, improving blood circulation, reflex activity, and bowel and bladder function.[5] They also offer the opportunity to socialise more easily with the environment, increasing quality of life and decreasing depression rate.

Pharmacy automation

In the pharmacy setting, robots can be used to dispense pills as a method of reducing the probability of dispensing the wrong medication. Robots can be programmed to know where medications and stored meaning they can find them quickly. In addition to dispensing, robots can also be used to prepare sterile IV mixtures.


Robots have been used in research facilities for many years providing an increase in speed, capacity and accuracy by reducing human error. They are mainly used to automate manual processes and assist in completing repetitive and high-volume tasks, leaving scientists free to focus on the research. However, they can also be used in tasks that involve dangerous substances.

Hospital logistics and sanitisation

Robots, with built-in sensors and pre-programmed layouts, are already in use in some hospitals delivering medication and meals. Another area where hospital robots are becoming increasingly used is in sanitisation. Akara’s solution uses AI to provide intelligent hospital automation and reduce room downtime. Their automated UV robot uses cutting-edge disinfection technology to provide fast, high-quality disinfection and reduce environmental contamination, giving patients and staff ease of mind. It also offers a more efficient use of resources by reducing staffing requirements.

Cognitive support

‘Social robots’ are more human-like and have the ability to interact socially, and demonstrate activities to patients, which is especially helpful to children and the elderly.

Different types of medical robots

In addition to the above usages of robots in medicine there are a few extra types of medical robots:

Robotics for radiotherapy

These medical robots can arrange imaging systems and set the radiation beam’s source to accurately treat tumours in the body. Specialised robotic treatment couches can also remotely place the patient in the correct position before treatment, and reposition them removing the need for physical clinician assistance.

Robotic prosthetics

This is a new and emerging type of medical robot that provides patients with “life-like limb functionality”, however, because the technology is still evolving, they are still expensive. Unlike conventional prosthetics which have limitations, neuro-musculoskeletal prosthetics are attached to the bone, while electrodes inserted into nerves and muscles become the connection that controls movement. Other features of robotic prosthetics include remote control capabilities and the use of AI which enables the prosthetics to learn and adapt over time, making them more comfortable and efficient.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using robots in hospitals?



The biggest advantage of using robotics in healthcare is precision, and in a surgical situation, the accuracy afforded by medical robots is unparalleled. Robot-assisted surgery requires smaller incisions, which reduces the risk of infection, post-op trauma, hospital stay, and recovery time.

Consistency and quality

It’s human nature to make mistakes, but, unless it has a malfunction, a robot will perform its programmed tasks in the same way and to the same standard, every single time. And whether this is in surgery or disinfecting a ward, the first time will be exactly the same as the nth time.


The use of robots in hospitals can improve operational efficiency and, in the long run, cost efficiency. In terms of operations, robots can perform repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as dispensing medications and disinfecting hospital environments, giving healthcare professionals more time to focus on more complex patient-care activities. And while the initial investment may be high, over time robots prove very cost-efficient as they can work continuously without breaks or payment.

Improved data analysis

Robots continually collect data on their ‘tasks’ performed, and artificial intelligence enables large data sets to be analysed with more accuracy. Therefore, embedding AI capabilities into a robot’s programme can help improve decision making, whether it’s patient care or hospital logistics.

Personalised treatment

By analysing patient data to customise medication dosages and treatment plans, robots can help tailor therapies to individual patient needs with high precision, enhancing effectiveness, reducing side effects, and ensuring optimal care.



While robots don’t get tired, they can occasionally malfunction which is one of the biggest concerns of using robots in hospitals, especially in a surgical setting where there’s no time to stop and reboot a robot during a delicate procedure. This ‘disadvantage’ is a huge reason why humans are still indispensable in medical settings.

High initial costs

While the cost benefits in the long term are good, the initial cost of implementing robotics into the healthcare setting, whether it’s surgical or operational, is very high. This means, in general, high-spec, AI-based medical technology is only available at advanced medical facilities with research departments.

Skills gap

If a medical setting is going to use robots, they are going to need a fully skilled workforce to operate them, which will be an additional expense in both time and money. For example, a surgeon will need to undergo rigorous, expensive, and time-consuming training on any robot-assisted surgical system, and other healthcare professionals will need training to understand how to use the technology to get the best medical outcome.


There are many ethical concerns when it comes to using robots in hospitals. The most obvious ones being, who is to blame if something goes wrong, and the issue of human job losses within the healthcare profession as robots could replace certain roles.


In healthcare, trust is paramount. Patients have to be able to have trust in both the healthcare professional and the service chosen for their treatment. However, while people trust people, they have less trust in robots, which is a huge challenge to getting robotics in healthcare fully adopted.


The use of robots in medicine has the potential to improve the efficiency and consistency of treatment in a range of therapeutic areas, and in some cases promises to drastically improve the quality of life for patients. EIT Health is proud to support game-changing robotics start-ups like ABLE Human Motion, Akara, and Somnox to bring their innovative solutions to market faster for the benefit of patients in Europe and beyond. If your start-up is interested in how EIT Health can accelerate your growth, discover our portfolio of programmes today.


[1] Miller, B. (2022) Machine learning model builds on imaging methods to better detect ovarian lesions, The Source. Available at: (Accessed: 11 September 2024).

[2] Spinal Cord Injury (no date) World Health Organization. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2024).

[3] Impact of stroke (no date) World Stroke Organization. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2024).

[4] Mehrholz J;Thomas S;Werner C;Kugler J;Pohl M;Elsner B; (no date) Electromechanical-assisted training for walking after stroke, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2024).

[5] Rodriguez-Fernandez, A., Lobo-Prat, J. and Font-Llagunes, J.M. (2021) Systematic review on wearable lower-limb exoskeletons for gait training in neuromuscular impairments – journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, BioMed Central. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2024).

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