16th July 2019
The first set of Round Table topics for the event have been released
At this bilateral meeting, partners from EIT Health UK-Ireland and EIT Health Germany are invited to explore new project ideas and bilateral collaboration opportunities. Experts from Roche, Home Instead Senior Care, the University of Oxford, the Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast), BioInnovate Ireland, and Newcastle University will lead the following nine Round Tables at the bilateral meeting:
- ‘What will chronic disease management look like in 2030’ led by Roche
- ‘New Models for Innovation in Industry’ led by BioInnovate Ireland
- ‘The Caregiver Recruitment Crisis: Finding the Hidden Carers’ led by Home Instead Senior Care
- ‘COPD Data Visualisation’ led by the Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast)
- ‘Innovation in CVD, in particular, atrial fibrillation’ led by the Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast)
- ‘Fracture prevention – bone health’ led by the Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast)
- ‘Point-of-care in-vitro diagnostics and diagnostic technologies in Community Healthcare’ led by the NIHR Community Healthcare MIC
- ‘Reducing social gradient while implementing innovation’ led by Newcastle University
- ‘Extending Life Expectancy’ led by Newcastle University
- ‘Digital Innovation in Diabetes’ led by Profil
- ‘Prostate Cancer Patient Reported Outcomes’ led by Oxford AHSN and Bayer UK
- ‘Eating Disorders’ led by Oxford AHSN
Any other upcoming topics will be announced on this page.
The main objective of the meeting is to build a rich and exciting portfolio of cross-CLC INNOVATION projects and ACCELERATOR/CAMPUS activities for the EIT Health BP2019 call and beyond.
The one-day format of the event is built around a series of succinct Round Table sessions (approximately 45min each). Leading a Round Table discussion enables industry, non-academic, and academic partners from both CLCs to explore interests from core and associate partners from both CLCs to collaborate and build specific proposals around their project idea or challenge; either for submission to future EIT Health calls or projects outside the EIT Health funding envelope (e.g. H2020, national grants). Staff will be on hand to capture proposals and – where applicable – support PLAZA entries for EIT Health BP2019 proposals on the day.

Event agenda:
11:00 – 11:15 Welcome (Uli Harnacke & Katharina Ladewig)
11:15 – 13:00 Industry-led Round Tables (2 rounds à 5 tables each)
13:00 – 13:30 Networking lunch
13:45 – 15:30 Healthcare Provider-led Round Tables (2 rounds with 5 tables each)
15:30 – 15:45 Afternoon Tea
15:45 – 16:45 Industry-led Round Tables (1 round with 5 tables)
16:45 – 17:00 Close and Next Steps (Uli Harnacke & Katharina Ladewig)
This event is your opportunity to:
- Lead a Round Table discussion showcasing your idea(s) on how to best leverage your organisation’s assets and those of the EIT Health network at large to address Europe’s health/aged-care challenges of tomorrow.
- Explore new collaboration opportunities and find partners from another CLC who are interested in the same topics as you.
- Build project and activity proposals suitable for the EIT Health BP2019 call (and beyond) with hands-on support from EIT Health staff on the day.
Click here to register.
If you would like to lead a Round Table or have any enquiries, please contact:
Christine Neumann, Christine.Neumann@eit-health.de (EIT Health Germany)
Roberta Giammaria, roberta.giammaria@eithealth.eu (EIT Health UK-Ireland)
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