26th June 2023
Le nombre de personnes atteintes de diabète est en constante augmentation en Europe, où il est estimé que près de 61 millions de personnes en souffrent, soit environ une personne sur dix. Cette maladie peut causer une pathologie oculaire appelée rétinopathie diabétique, qui peut conduire à la cécité.
Malheureusement, le développement de cette maladie est souvent silencieux, sans symptômes évidents, jusqu’à un stade avancé. C’est pourquoi le dépistage précoce est crucial, mais de nombreux patients ne le font pas suffisamment fréquemment, en partie en raison de l’accès limité aux professionnels qualifiés dans les zones rurales. Selon l’OMS, près d’un million de personnes en Europe souffrent de cécité ou de malvoyance due à cette maladie.
Le projet Retina Read Risk est soutenu par un consortium d’organisations européennes de premier plan, notamment E-seniors, La Fondation de l’Avenir, Genesis Biomed, Grupo TRC, Telefonica, l’Institut Catalan du Salut et EIT Health. Cette collaboration est un véritable atout pour le développement de cette innovation qui vise à améliorer le processus de dépistage de la rétinopathie diabétique.
Son but est de fournir une solution aux médecins suivant des patients diabétiques, en leur offrant un dispositif pour mieux évaluer leur risque de développer cette maladie.
Après une année de travail, un prototype a été créé et est actuellement en test. Les premiers résultats montrent que ce système est utile sur le plan médico-économique pour le dépistage de la rétinopathie diabétique, car il permet de diminuer les coûts pour les institutions de soins de santé, réduit la pression sur les soignants, et encourage les patients à se faire dépister. La création de la start-up RetinaReadRisk par le consortium permettra de diffuser ces avantages et de commercialiser le produit.
La solution de dépistage Retina Read Risk se compose d’un dispositif contenant une lentille placée sur la caméra d’un smartphone pour capturer les images du fond de l’œil, d’un programme permettant de définir le profil du patient, et d’une application dotée d’une IA pour l’analyse des données. L’application fournit une recommandation au professionnel de la santé, qui aide à évaluer le risque du patient de développer la maladie, à savoir quand le prochain contrôle doit être effectué, et si un examen avec un médecin spécialisé est nécessaire.
RetinaReadRisk, créée par des partenaires fondateurs tels que UP2Smart, IISPV, Grupo TRC (Telefónica) et GENESIS Biomed, commercialisera le logiciel et le système mobile basés sur l’IA pour détecter et traiter la rétinopathie diabétique à un stade précoce. Elle répondra à un appel du département de la santé de la Généralité de Catalogne pour intégrer les solutions technologiques les plus innovantes dans le réseau public de centres de soins primaires.
GENESIS Biomed a investi dans la start-up par le biais de son véhicule d’investissement (GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost) et assure actuellement la fonction de PDG par intérim de la société. Selon Josep Lluís Falcó, PDG de GENESIS Biomed, cette solution est une opportunité énorme qui peut changer le paradigme de la prise en charge des patients diabétiques en anticipant leur évolution potentielle vers la rétinopathie diabétique et offrir un outil puissant pour réaliser d’importantes économies pour le système de santé national.
La solution Retina Read Risk permettra aux médecins de mieux évaluer le risque de développer la rétinopathie diabétique chez les patients atteints de diabète. La création de la start-up RetinaReadRisk vise à commercialiser cette innovation et à la distribuer au personnel médical. Elle permettra d’améliorer le processus de dépistage de la rétinopathie diabétique, de réduire les coûts pour les institutions prenant en charge les soins de santé et de faciliter le travail du personnel médical tout en offrant une solution plus efficace et personnalisée pour les patients diabétiques.
Partenaires d'EIT Health :
CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Education, Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs
Partner type: Network Partner
E-Seniors is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005 by Monique EPSTEIN, the general manager of the association. The association is based in Paris and it operates mainly in Ile-de-France region. E-Seniors aims at fighting e-exclusion by providing access to and training in ICT to seniors and/or disabled people. Its main objectives are: • Shrinking, and where possible, bridging the digital gap between generations, • Caring for elders by fighting seniors’ isolation, • Opening new horizons for efficient use of free time. Since its creation, E-Seniors have provided courses on ICT usage for seniors in various public locations and the association is constantly opening new locations all over the region in order to provide a “proximity” service that takes into account the rhythm, interests and needs of its potential audience. Through its work for elderly people and with them the organization also tries to increase awareness about the importance of ICT solutions in everyday life. E-Seniors propose also interactive gaming activities in residences for the elderly, retirement homes and day-care centres. E-Seniors has participated in several European research and innovation projects that are related to the well being of older persons and ageing well.
Association E-Seniors
Association E-Seniors, 19 Cité de Phalsbourg, 75011 Paris, France
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Social sciences/health economics
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Consumer products, Nutrition
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Healthcare professional education/training
CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Research
Partner type: Associate Partner
The Fondation de l’Avenir is a direct link to the most influent Health Mutuality Companies. Based on their 2600 care and support services, with 90 hospitals and 522 social and medical centers, Health Mutuality companies are the first private actor of the French health prevention system. The Fondation de l'Avenir has also, in 30 years, develop a wide network of scientists and projects holders, in the greatest hospitals and universities all over France.
Fondation de l'Avenir pour la Recherche Médicale Appliquée
Fondation de l'Avenir pour la Recherche Médicale Appliquée, 255 Rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris, France
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision, Payers
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Associate
GENESIS Biomed is a consultancy firm in the biomedical healthcare sector specialized in providing consulting services to spin-off and start-up companies, entrepreneurs and research centers. Based in our expertise we help entrepreneurs and researchers to shape their business plan and we support them in the private fundraising process. We have worked on 253 projects of 15 different types and we have raised more than 67.5 M€ in the last 6 years. Our expertise domains are biopharmaceutical, biotechnological, medical devices, in vitro diagnostic, digital health nutraceutical and cosmetic. With more than 20 years of expertise in the healthcare sector, we are born in May 2017 and we are located in the Barcelona Science Park and in the center of Madrid.
GENESIS Biomed, Carrer de Baldiri Reixac, 4-12-15, 08028 Barcelona, España
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Associate
TRC Informatica is a software solutions company that has over 30 years of experience working side by side with healthcare systems, developing applications, integrating all kind of healthcare activities and processes. Our developments are based on globally accepted standards, facilitating the interoperability of managed processes with all elements of a hospital network. Our activities focus on: -Development of advanced medical immobilization devices to improve the patient security in radiation oncology. -Treatment based on Virtual Reality (VR), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) -Prediction of impact on population health due to natural or industrial disasters based on sensors, analytics, GIS, correlating information using Artificial Intelligence (AI). -Optimisation of medical financial assessments process based on Neural Networks models, using medical reports.
Key Activities in Research and Developement
AI, ML, DL, Big Data
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT, Cyber, Cloud
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Associate Partner
Telefónica is a Spanish multinational telecommunications company, headquartered in Madrid. It is the most important telecommunications company in Europe and the fifth in the world. It has been in existence for almost 100 years and more than 28,000 people work in Spain. Specialties: Fixed and mobile telephony, Broadband, pay TV and ITC services, Over the top services, Multinational Solutions, Digital Technology, Big Data, Machine-to-machine, Telecommunications, Digitization, Digitalization and Network We are specialized in various sectors, one of them being the health sector, where they provide different types of solutions:
-Digital care solutions and patient experience
-Integration services
-Infrastructure and communications services
-Data management and exploitation
In Telefónica we believe in the enormous potential that technology can offer people, companies and society. But also, we are aware that this digital revolution brings with it uncertainties that make us wonder about the role of technology in our lives.
-Technology should unite us… Not separate us
-Should improve our lives… Not take control
-It should allow us to share experiences and opinions…not hide or remain anonymous.
In Telefónica, we believe that it is people who give meaning to technology and not the other way around. At a time when technology is more present than ever in our lives, we cannot forget that the most important connections are human connections. Because in today's society, people's quality of life largely depends on that connection. And this is where we come in. Offering connections that bring people together, instead of isolating them; connections that invite people to be themselves, to express themselves, to share. Connections that we can control and that guarantee the security, integrity and dignity of each being; and the group to which they belong, leaving no one behind. Making people, companies and society come together to prosper and enjoy. It may sound exaggerated, but we are here to serve humanity. To put in your hands a useful and simple technology that makes it possible to reconnect with the things you need, that interest you, that you love. In short, our mission is to make our world more human by connecting people's lives.
Telefónica España
Ed. Diagonal00, Pza Ernest Lluch i Martí 5, pl. 18; 08019 ( Barcelona)
Key Activities in Research and Developement
ICT, DataWarehouse, Cibersecurity, A.I, IOT, Big Data
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
ICT, DataWarehouse, Cibersecurity, A.I, IOT, Big Data We have 5 centers dedicated to R&D, 4 innovation centers: cybersecurity, 14 new patent applications, +70 5G use cases, 861 million invested in R+D+i
We have 2 Wayra HUBS and 56 startups
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Finance & Investment, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
24 chairs in 26 universities
Activation program: access to new technologies
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Education, Research, Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core Partner
With a staff of over 51,700 professionals, the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) is the largest public health services company of Catalonia, that provides health care to nearly six million people across the country. As a reference entity of the public health system, the aim of ICS is to improve people’s health and quality of live, through the provision of excellent health services in his 8 Hospitals and 949 primary care centers and local consultancy, regarding both the promotion of health and the treatment of diseases, from the most prevalent to the most complex ones. Also, our organization includes research - 7 Institutes - , and education. All of our activities embrace innovation and knowledge transfer as a guarantee to continuously improve the attention that the institution offers to the citizens.
Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)
Institut Català de la Salut, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 587, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner type: Linked/Affiliated Party
The IISPV is a biomedical research institute placed in the province of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain) that combines clinical and basic research in order to accelerate the translation of knowledge to the benefit of patients. Founded in 2005, the institute integrates the Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XIII, the Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta, the Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, the Hospital Universitari Institut Pere Mata and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in order to bring together and manage biomedical research and innovation in the territory. The IISPV aims to be a national and international reference centre in biomedical research and translation, at the service of the population, linking the health centres to the community.
Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV)
Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus Avda. Josep Laporte, 2 Planta 0 - E2 color taronja 43204 Reus (Tarragona), Spain
Parc Sanitari Joan XXIII c/ Doctor Mallafrè, 4 43005 Tarragona, Spain
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