EIT Health is seeking partners to join in a European Coalition that works to attract, retain and train talent in healthcare innovation, to boost the attractiveness of the sector for new talent, and to support its transformation.
If Europe is to maintain a vibrant and viable healthcare sector that can lead in innovation, we must rise to the challenge of recruiting and educating the best talent .
To this end, EIT Health has initiated a strategic project entitled WorkInHealth, which has the following objectives:
1. Attract
Visibility and reputation
Improve health sector image & support the attractiveness of careers across the European ecosystem in the life sciences and health sector.

2. Recruit
Skills & Job Market intelligence
Support organisations to better define their needs, target good profiles and skillset, and to hire best talent.
3. Train & Retain
Skill, upskill and re-skill
Offer and promote education & trainings to professionals, graduates and any profile willing to join this sector.

WorkInHealth Fall Agenda

23rd November Launch Event
This event launches the entire WorkInHealth project. A milestone in the agenda gathering a panel of experts of the healthcare and education sector to meet the new talent and skilling issues.
Through roundtables and workshops we will initiate the launch of the WorkInHealth Observatory & the WorkInHealth Foundation, their full potential, respective roadmaps and Donors and Ambassadors integration.

24th November Career Fair
On the 24/11/2021 – from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm – WorkInHealth will launch its very first Virtual Career Fair gathering recruiters, students and graduates, in a unique opportunity to share recruiting prospect for the future, and share talent insights and recruiters needs.
- Build up your network with strong and leading European healthcare actors
- Find an internship, a first job, a graduate programme…
- Get a better understanding of your role in the sector
- One-to-one speed dating with companies
- Company conferences & lectures on recruitment

Whether you are a talent or a recruiting actor don’t miss this opportunity to dialogue with your audience and share your insights.
Stay tuned for news to come about booths, talks …
Leave us your email and we’ll contact you when registrations are opened.
Interested in meeting the talent audience from all over the European academic community, please contact Claire Nassiet.

WorkInHealth Past Events

HealthTech Innovation Days - 5th October
How to have the right talents in our European companies?
Healthcare companies are seeking to recruit the right talent, acquire new skills to accelerate its structuration and integrate the French health ecosystem. Through study cases as an entrepreneur in healthcare, as a pharmaceutical company & as an investor, we will explore the new needs of the European healthcare landscape.

"Dialogue to Act" - 7 & 13th July
The theme of Skills, Infrastructure & Talent for tomorrow’s healthcare gathered experts from the entire French health sector . The roundtable was hosted by the French National Assembly, co-organised by AI for Health & EIT Health within the frame of the WorkInHealth programme.
As digital transformation is reshaping the health sector, healthcare professionals are to face the challenge well prepared.

19th May WorkInHealth Launch Event
This very first launch event enable us to discuss about AI changing the demand for jobs & skills, training opportunities to better equip the workforce with digital & AI skills, to look at talent gap, reskilling & shifts from other sectors and future demands, to share the perspective of healthcare professionals and insisted on the need to change training to address evolving needs & demands.
Interprofessional collaboration & networking are keys to address this challenge.

Claire Nassiet Education-WorkInHealth Manager
Cyril Chedhomme WorkInHealth Venture Lead

Do you want to participate to the WorkInHealth project?
Please leave your contact and get in touch here.