EIT Health InnoStars under its RIS Programme requests proposals for supporting its PR and social media activities for 2022. This call is for communication agencies.
About EIT Regional Innovation Scheme
The goal of the RIS programme is to enhance the innovation capacities of less developed regions by engaging and involving local stakeholders in EIT Health activities and providing tools and supporting services for the development of the local innovation ecosystem. Thanks to the Regional Innovation Scheme EIT Health Partners can get access to productive inputs, talent pool, customers for innovative ventures, know-how and technology transfer possibilities as well as access to co-founding options, whereas RIS Hubs can utilize the EIT Health network, its experts and mentors and access to relevant Partners. More about the programme can be found here: EIT Regional Innovation Scheme
How to apply
If you are interested in this opportunity, please see details on how to apply in the below ’Request for proposals for RIS PR 2022’ document
Proposals are requested to be emailed until 23:59 CET, 19 November 2021.