Enhanced vision for secure, self-confident and active ageing
eVisa aims to improve the mobility of visually impaired people using an innovative device that senses and understands a person’s environment in 3D. This project will allow for incremental evaluations of the device.
Visually impaired people experience autonomy-related problems due to loss of their central and/or peripheral visual field, which impacts mobility, spatial orientation or ability to identify location. The standard rehabilitation procedures remain highly context-dependent, with obvious consequences in self-perceived security, restricted social engagement and auto-exclusion. This implies an urgent need for more flexible approaches.
The following partners are involved in this project: Fondation Asile des aveugles et Atomic Energy, Alternative Energies Commission and StreetLab.
The project
The eVisa project is developing a device for 3D sensing and understanding of the immediate environment to ease visually impaired people’s lives by improving their mobility. The device uses smart sensing technology, which integrates current information, data analysis and standard strategies that are already in place.
The main point of the EIT Health supported eVisa project is to assess the usability of the smart sensing technology. Incremental evaluations will be conducted with targeted users, who have different kinds and levels of vision deficiency, up to complete blindness. These assessments are expected to help increase the usefulness of the device.
The goal is to use the project’s results lead to the creation of a start-up in the short term, followed by relatively rapid access to the market afterwards.
According to the WHO, more than 2.5 million people are blind in Europe and and 23.8 million people suffer from low-vision. eVisa will have a big impact on visually impaired people, improving and maintaining their social engagement and helping them to safely geo-locate and move independently in various places, outdoors or indoors.
Why this is an EIT Health project
Because it empowers patients, this project is in keeping with EIT Health’s mission of promoting patient-centric care. By helping vison-impaired people to live more independent, ordinary lives in their homes, this project promotes active ageing and is also in line with the EIT Health Focus Area of “Bringing Care Home”.
CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Research, Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs
Partner type: Core Partner
The CEA is a public organisation,leader in research, development and innovation, active in 4 main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and technologies for health, promoting the transfer from research to industry.
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer
CLC/InnoStars: Germany
Partner classification: Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Associate Partner
Founded in 1843 in Lausanne (Switzerland), the Fondation Asile des aveugles manages an Eye Hospital, 2 care homes, 1 School for visual impaired children and a research center (basic research, Clinical trial Unit, living lab / rehabilitation)
Fondation Asile des aveugles
Fondation Asile des aveugles, 1000 Lausanne, Switzerland
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Biomedical engineering, Clinical research
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training