IMmune Profiling of ICU PAtients to address Chronic Critical illness and ensure healThy ageing
The Immune Profiling Panel: towards a new ICU patient care pathway
Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by the body’s response to infection. The Word Health Organisation notes that it may affect more than 30 million people worldwide every year. Although sepsis management is improving, patients are still at high risk of death from secondary complications brought on by immune system failure – such as Healthcare Associated Infections that occur during hospitalisation or chronic impairment of vital functions. The standard care pathway for patients currently does not include a test to assess immune status and allow for personalised care of those at high risk of sepsis and its complications.
The IMPACCT project aims at validating an innovative diagnostic tool to address this need, creating a new care pathway, to reduce healthcare costs and the human costs of chronic critical illness caused by sepsis.
Immune profile for each patient allows personalised care
IMPACCT’s solution is the Immune Profiling Panel (IPP), a rapid, easy-to-use and cost-effective diagnostic test, based on a panel of biomarkers that can assess a patient’s immune status. It is performed from a patient blood sample on the widely available FilmArray® Multiplex PCR System from bioMérieux. The new IPP automated platform allows for testing right in the intensive care unit (ICU), with easily interpretable results available within 45 minutes.
The test gives ICU clinicians information about the immune status of sepsis ICU patients and risks of deterioration. Using this information doctors can give personalised care, including preventative measures and special treatment.
The IPP solution will drastically improve patient management and outcomes and reduce the global economic burden of sepsis for healthcare systems. The impacts we can expect include shortened ICU stays, improved patient recovery and limited antibiotics use.
EIT Health partnership accelerates deployment
The IMPACCT project is in keeping with the EIT Health Focus Area of “Improving Care Pathways” because it will allow the use of biomarkers to objectively stratify patients, creating a personalised care pathway for the entire sepsis ICU patient journey.
EIT Health accelerates the market launch of this project by providing a network of excellence, strong infrastructure, financing support and international visibility – all of which are key to implementing the IPP in clinical practice and beginning to improve sepsis patient care management.

CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Core Partner
Biomérieux (previously Institut Mérieux), a 14,000 employees bioindustrial group, includes bioMerieux, Transgene, Merieux Nutrisciences, Mérieux Développement and ABL Inc. It develops diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to fight infections, cancer and improve nutrition.
bioMérieux, 17 Rue Bourgelat, 69002 Lyon, France
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, Diagnostics
Key Activities in Business Creation
Finance & Investment
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: UK-Ireland
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Imperial College London is a world leading, science-based university that develops the next generation of researchers, scientists and academics through collaboration across disciplines, harnessing science and innovation to tackle global challenges.
Imperial College London
Imperial College London, Exhibition Rd, London SW7, UK
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer
Key Activities in Education
Business Schools, Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core Partner
We are a teaching hospital with a European dimension globally recognized. Our 39 hospitals attended each year 8 million sick people: consultation in emergency hospitalizations during scheduled or home hospitalization. We provide a public health service for all, 24/24, and it is for us both a duty and pride.
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, 1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France

CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical Universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Our research covers the entire medical field, from basic molecular biological research, to clinical epidemiology and nursing science. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. With our close relationship to the clinical world, a well-established infrastructure, a unique innovation system and financial stability, Karolinska Institutet has excellent prerequisites for sustaining high-quality research and education.
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, Diagnostics, Imaging, Nutrition
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: UK-Ireland
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core partner
The University of Oxford is one of the leading research and teaching Universities in the United Kingdom and Europe. The Medical Sciences division has major global collaborations across the breadth of biomedical sciences.
University of Oxford
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Finance & Investment, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Business Schools, Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Medical faculties

NIHR Research Professor | Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care | Imperial College London