Multimodal strategies to promote a healthy brain in ageing: innovative evidence-based tools
MULTI-MODE aims to develop and commercialise two evidence-based tools for dementia: a smartphone app to measure the risk that the condition will set in during the next 20 years and another tool to help prevent dementia. The project also engages in knowledge dissemination, producing educational tools for healthy brain ageing and dementia prevention.
Prof. Miia Kivipelto and colleagues developed a tool to predict the risk of dementia within the next 20 years based on midlife risk profiles (CAIDE Dementia Risk Score). Subsequently, she oversaw trials of a multidomain lifestyle intervention, Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment & Disability (FINGER), which significantly improved cognitive performance in a population at risk for dementia and is now adapted in 15+ countries.
Nordic Brain Network is a multidisciplinary research team, with about 50 members in Finland and Sweden, established by Prof. Kivipelto. The team focuses on clinical and translational research in prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They have identified several modifiable/treatable dementia risk factors, including gene-environment interactions.
The project
The goal of MULTI-MODE is to develop and commercialise two innovative evidence-based eHealth tools for dementia prediction and prevention:
- Dementia risk prediction in various at-risk populations, such as middle-aged and older adults with specific profiles, or memory clinic patients. This work will build on the original CAIDE Dementia Risk Score (developed by Prof. Kivipelto and colleagues).
- Multidomain lifestyle intervention targeting modifiable risk factors (vascular, metabolic, and psychological) to prevent cognitive decline and postpone dementia onset (based on the FINGER trial).
Key outputs include mobile apps for tailored dementia risk prediction and validated risk scores in various populations. With their expertise and experience, the current academic-industrial partnership can develop state-of-the art eHealth tools and guarantee rapid time-to-market.
Products will be promoted and implemented in diverse settings, for use by citizens and health professionals. The subsequent MUTLI-MODE dissemination and educational initiatives, including a massive open online course, aim to empower citizens and reduce health costs and societal burden.
Dementia has reached near epidemic proportions. Tools to predict and prevent the problem will have a potentially huge impact on middle-aged and older adults who are at risk of dementia, as well as their families. The potential cost savings for payers, and the benefits of preventing loss of productivity due to dementia, will also provide big benefits for society.
Why this is an EIT Health project
The goals of MULTI-MODE are in keeping with EIT-Health goals to promote healthy living and active ageing through lifestyle interventions, and to encourage self-management of health. The project aligns with the EIT Health Focus Area of “Fostering Healthy Lives by Introducing Behavioural Change” because it offers people a reason to address potential dementia and a means to do so.
External Partner
- Combinostics
CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Business, Research
Partner type: Associate Partner
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden is a network of research and technology organizations. In global cooperation with academia, enterprise and society, we create value, growth and competitiveness through research excellence and innovation.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Mäster Samuelsgatan 60, 111 21 Stockholm, Sweden
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, ICT, Consumer products, Nutrition
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Research, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Associate Partner
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu includes a General Hospital and a Large Network of Mental Health Services. It focuses on bringing together basic research scientists and research clinicians mainly in the areas of public health, mental disorders, ageing and disability.
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu (PSSJD)
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu (PSSJD), Carrer del Doctor Antoni Pujadas, 42, 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision, Payers
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training
CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical Universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Our research covers the entire medical field, from basic molecular biological research, to clinical epidemiology and nursing science. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. With our close relationship to the clinical world, a well-established infrastructure, a unique innovation system and financial stability, Karolinska Institutet has excellent prerequisites for sustaining high-quality research and education.
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, Diagnostics, Imaging, Nutrition
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training
CLC/InnoStars: UK-Ireland
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Imperial College London is a world leading, science-based university that develops the next generation of researchers, scientists and academics through collaboration across disciplines, harnessing science and innovation to tackle global challenges.
Imperial College London
Imperial College London, Exhibition Rd, London SW7, UK
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer
Key Activities in Education
Business Schools, Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training
CLC/InnoStars: Belgium-Netherlands
Partner classification: Education, Research, Hospital / University Hospital
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam (Erasmus MC) is the largest university medical center in The Netherlands with around 16,500 employees, and a top referral hospital for a region of about five million inhabitants. A unique infrastructure bringing multidisciplinary research and healthcare together at one location allows Erasmus MC to excel in fundamental research, fast translation of findings into the clinic including first-in-man testing and clinical implementation, and epidemiological studies.
Technical university medical center: Technology is at the core of the new strategy. Erasmus MC focuses on the use of technology and data science to foster innovation in a variety of fields – from medical instruments and devices, minimally invasive surgery, imaging and image analysis, information technology and smart data technology to artificial intelligence, machine learning and biomedical technology.
Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam
Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Life Sciences, Social sciences / health economics, Clinical research
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer
Key Activities in Education
Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training