Creating VALUE through clinical pathways & care flow
Applying interactive process mining to discover and optimise real clinical pathways, fostering a collaborative change to Value-Based Health Care
All health systems are faced with the challenge of managing increasing cases of chronic conditions among the populations they serve. This can put the sustainability of current systems at risk.[1]
Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) proposes an approach to care providers to deliver healthcare services providing value to patients, while keeping healthcare sustainable.[2]
VBHC establishes four key principles to transform healthcare:
• Improvement of the patient experience
• Improvement of staff satisfaction
• Reduction of per capita cost of health care
• Increasing the healthy population.[3]
VBHC aims to improve patient experience and staff satisfaction while reducing health expenditure. It does so by using a reimbursement model according to the effectiveness of the care interventions.
A successful implementation of VBHC will ultimately result in a more sustainable future healthcare system.[4] A system which cares for citizens throughout the care continuum, contributing to a better cared for, healthier population.
Digital transformation is needed to implement VBHC models. Digital tools help health professionals access and analyse data more effectively, aiding collaborative decision-making.
However, this transformation is not simple, and there are problems of acceptance on the part of the actors involved. These problems come from difficulty in the usability of the solutions.[5]
Solutions often use language that is unfamiliar to healthcare professionals, limiting their collaboration. And many have a black-box approach that does not explain the steps carried out, an issue of particular importance in the clinical field.[6]
VALUE to enable real collaborative transformations
The VALUE solution is a new framework, designed to support clinical, technical, and management staff to adopt VBHC approaches. It includes new technology and a new method. It involves health professionals from the beginning and fosters discussion among all the actors that participate in healthcare delivery.
The solution uses innovative interactive process mining techniques to advise on the real steps that patients should take. The VALUE dashboard provides easy-to-use interactive controls that report the issues according to performance or clinical indicators in an understandable way.
The solution can be customised by the health professionals that use it. This helps improves usability and allows decision making to be mapped in an intuitive and transparent way.
The definition of indicators, and later analysis, is performed interactively and iteratively with the clinical or management staff. This ensures real control and understating of what is the solution doing every time, avoiding the black-box effect.
The adoption of the VALUE solution by hospitals will boost a VBHC transformation overcoming most of the current barriers. It promises to provide a healthcare system focused on patients’ health as the key indicators.
VALUE and EIT Health: the right partnership to promote better healthcare
The EIT Health-supported VALUE initiative joins prominent clinical, industry, and academic and technical partners to support clinical pathway optimisation. A required step to change to a value-based healthcare model.
The initiative is aligned with EIT Health’s goal of promoting better health of citizens as it is focused on transforming health outcomes through the adoption of VBHC approaches. By improving the way health professionals collaborate, this transformation has the potential to improve patients’ experience of healthcare delivery and their quality of life.
“The potential of interactive process mining is its capability to empower health experts in the real understanding of the health process, allowing them to actually know their patients behaviour and measure the value chain of their decisions”. Carlos Fernandez-Llatas. Head of Interactive process mining for Health Lab (Universitat Politècnica de València, SP)
“We have huge databases but after understanding IPM, I consider we are at the Bronze Age”. Martin Holzmann. Function of Emergency care (Karolinska University Hospital, SE)
“It is the best solution to improve and understand the healthcare patient workflow”. Angeles Celda. Nurse, Emergency Medicine (Hospital General de València, SP)
“Learning IPM should be a must for all the Portuguese cardiologists”. Lino Gonçalvez. Cardiac Service Chief (Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, PT)
“Interactive process mining will be a key element for clinical pathway optimization. With the participation in VALUE project Medtronic will be one step ahead in the value-based healthcare transformation”. Rebeca Basurto. Head of Iberia consulting in Integrated Health solutions (Medtronic, SP)
“VALUE project offers us the possibility of enriching our digital transformation solution by integration new added value services for the healthcare domain”. Blanca Jordán. Health Sector Manager at Research and Innovation (ATOS, SP))
External Partners
- Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
- Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica de Salamanca (IECSCYL-IBSAL)
- Stockholms Läns Landsting
- Agencia de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)
- Mysphera S.L.
[1] 2021. Ageing and health. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].
[2] Blackstone, E. and Fuhr, J., 2021. Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results.
[3] 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].
[4] Taylor & Francis. 2021. Insights on value-based healthcare implementation from Dutch heart care. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].
[5] Shortliffe, E., 2021. Medical Expert Systems—Knowledge Tools for Physicians. [online] PubMed Central (PMC). Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].
[6] Rudin, C., 2021. Stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use interpretable models instead. [online] Nature. Available at <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Education, Research, Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core Partner
With a staff of over 51,700 professionals, the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) is the largest public health services company of Catalonia, that provides health care to nearly six million people across the country. As a reference entity of the public health system, the aim of ICS is to improve people’s health and quality of live, through the provision of excellent health services in his 8 Hospitals and 949 primary care centers and local consultancy, regarding both the promotion of health and the treatment of diseases, from the most prevalent to the most complex ones. Also, our organization includes research - 7 Institutes - , and education. All of our activities embrace innovation and knowledge transfer as a guarantee to continuously improve the attention that the institution offers to the citizens.
Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)
Institut Català de la Salut, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 587, 08007 Barcelona, Spain

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Municipality / City, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core Partner
Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS) is the public health provider of the region of Madrid. SERMAS belongs to the Spanish National Health System and provides services to more than 6 million citizens through 38 hospitals and 424 primary care centres. SERMAS is an international reference for high-specialized medicine; it is equipped with state-of-the art stage technologies and characterized by high-qualified health professionals distributed in three domains: primary care, hospital care and emergency care through SUMMA 112. SERMAS has one of the best public primary care systems in good coordination with hospital care and social services in order to provide integrated care and achieve real impact on patients and families. In order to improve health research management and coordination, SERMAS works with 13 Research Foundations that support from the economic and administrative point of view research and innovation that originates at university hospitals, primary care, the emergency medical service and public health covering all areas of specialties and including communication and information technologic departments. These public research foundations focus on innovation and translational research, seeking for real outcomes in healthcare. SERMAS is committed to ensure the continuous improvement of quality.
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision, Payers
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical Universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Our research covers the entire medical field, from basic molecular biological research, to clinical epidemiology and nursing science. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. With our close relationship to the clinical world, a well-established infrastructure, a unique innovation system and financial stability, Karolinska Institutet has excellent prerequisites for sustaining high-quality research and education.
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, Diagnostics, Imaging, Nutrition
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: InnoStars
Partner classification: Education
Partner type: Core Partner
University of Coimbra (UC) is a reference in higher education and R&D in Portugal, due to the quality of the courses taught at its eight colleges and to the advances achieved in pure and applied research in various scientific domains and on technology related areas. The offer in technological research makes UC an undeniable reference in R&D in Portugal, which highlights the excellence of work developed by the R&D units of UC, namely in the fields of life sciences. UC offers advanced entrepreneurship education trainings programs in different areas that bind to technology, where it was considered by EC as one of the 20 most inspiring cases in Europe. UC stands out also on technology transfer being involved in the promotion of several successful initiatives, like IPN Incubator, TECBis- Business accelerator unit, Biocant, and in the creation of more than 200 technological spin-offs, the majority of them healthcare related businessess. UC U-Multirank scored “very good” (the maximum classification) on Research, Technology Transfer and Internationalisation.
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, ICT, Diagnostics, Imaging
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
UPM is a leader in healthcare technologies, with an outstanding participation in international research and innovation projects, alliances with leading institutions in medical research and a close relationship with hospitals R&D centers. The UPM Health Tech community is the flagship initiative of UPM, bringing together all Education, Research and Innovation capabilities in Health Care Technologies (Medical Device, Biotech and Digital Health). UPM HealthTech provides a stable interdisciplinary environment grouping UPM research groups/centers with high expertise and qualified infrastructure to address major challenges in Health Care, and to promote the start-up of new ventures issued by UPM community and regional/national/European Health Technology ecosystem, and to offer high quality and experienced educational programmes
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid) - UPM, Calle Ramiro de Maeztu, 7, 28040 Madrid, España
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

ITACA-SABIEN | Senior Researcher | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Telematics and Electronics | Associate Professor | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid