A novel home healthcare platform for chronic kidney disease
CKDSens develops a new, point-of-care healthcare platform to improve renal patient’s well-being by monitoring relevant biochemical parameters in a single drop of blood. The innovation employs an easy-to-use hardware device and predictive software to make it easier for patients to discover and monitor their kidney disease before it becomes more serious and irreversible.
Renal patients do not realise the gravity of their disease until they are in a late stage. Chronic kidney disease is silent until it reaches advanced stages and patients need to start dialysis or transplantation. Proper monitoring would allow to delay the progression of kidney disease and pharmacological treatment could probably postpone renal disease development. Once it is diagnosed, monitoring the condition often requires hospitalisation. The people working in this project are seeking to solve this problem, by seeking the right technology and working with business people.
- Dr. Josep M. Campistol (HCB), internationally recognized nephrologist.
- Josep Lluís Falcó (Genesis), business & regulatory consultant.
- Alexandre Duclos (MADoPa), expert in feedback from patients.
- Adrià Maceira (CreatSens), CEO of the start-up, project management & fundraising expertise.
- Claudia Delgado (Eurecat), expert in manufacturing strategies.
- Cecilia Vera (UPM), product testing in lab.
- Josep Teruel (UB), industrial designer.
- Dr. Marc Xipell (HCB), nephrologist.
The project
CKDSens is developing a new healthcare platform to improve renal patient’s well-being by making it possible to monitor relevant biochemical parameters from a single drop of blood. The innovation promises a less expensive means of monitoring that is easier to use, and could potentially be administered by patients themselves. The CKDSens project will validate the innovation and help to identify the real market where the product can truly generate value and business.The CKDSens consortium has identified the need to build a structured pathway to reach the market, and to create a business proposal that private investments can follow.
The CKDSens project will seek to help this innovation reach society. It will take the research and innovation initially developed in a small consortium, led by the start-up, which is the owner of the intellectual property, and create a stronger business case, a stronger manufacturing strategy, a stronger design and a stronger validation pathway.
EIT Health has provided valuable connections through its network and the economic support to create synergies between entities from different specialities, so they can work together in a project that could bring a new innovative tool to connect patients and physicians.
The mission of CKDSens is to cover a huge unmet medical need by providing a better diagnosis of chronic kidney disease patients while reducing related costs in the health care systems.
Main impacts will be through:
- reducing direct healthcare costs;
- delaying development of chronic kidney disease;
- reducing the waiting time in hospitals by more than 20%;
- providing a fast monitoring system that takes less than 5 minutes;
- improving monitoring quality;
- increasing the quality of life of patients.
By making it easier to detect and monitor chronic kidney disease, the CKDSens project will help improve treatment, which is in keeping with the EIT Health Focus Area of “Improving Care Pathways”. By creating a possibility for patients to test themselves, the project is in keeping with the Focus Area of “Bringing Care Home”. This project also promises to improve healthcare for European citizens, which is one of the main goals of EIT Health.
External partners
- CreatSens
I was recently hospitalised for low potassium and have no desire for that to happen again, so I want to monitor my levels so they don’t get dangerously low again.
Michele Ganon, patient

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business, Research
Partner type: Network Partner
Eurecat is a benchmark industrial technology provider offering business services, applied R&D, technology services and consulting, training, development of innovative products and services, promotion and dissemination of technological innovation
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Other research, Biomedical engineering, Life Sciences
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT, Diagnostics, Consumer products, Nutrition
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Associate
GENESIS Biomed is a consultancy firm in the biomedical healthcare sector specialized in providing consulting services to spin-off and start-up companies, entrepreneurs and research centers. Based in our expertise we help entrepreneurs and researchers to shape their business plan and we support them in the private fundraising process. We have worked on 253 projects of 15 different types and we have raised more than 67.5 M€ in the last 6 years. Our expertise domains are biopharmaceutical, biotechnological, medical devices, in vitro diagnostic, digital health nutraceutical and cosmetic. With more than 20 years of expertise in the healthcare sector, we are born in May 2017 and we are located in the Barcelona Science Park and in the center of Madrid.
GENESIS Biomed, Carrer de Baldiri Reixac, 4-12-15, 08028 Barcelona, España

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Research, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core partner
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (HCB), founded in 1906, is a university hospital with 4,500 professionals covering most of medical and surgical specialties. It belongs to the Catalan Public Hospital Network and it is both a high-complexity tertiary hospital and a community hospital providing services to more than half million citizens. HCB is placed in Spain in a top position in the areas of research and innovation (e.g. top participant in Societal Challenge 1-Health in H2020).
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Carrer de Villarroel, 170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Key Innovation capacities
-Strong expertise in EIT Health projects (involved in +30 projects from all pillars since 2016)
-Internationally recognized KOLs in different fields (+100 management positions in international scientific and clinical societies)
-High volume of Clinical Trials (+200 new clinical trials performed every year) with a dedicated Clinical Trial Unit, offering an integral support
-Technology transfer (12 active spin-off; +70 active patent families)
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
-Professionals (AulaClinic) (+500 actions and +7500 participants in 2021) http://www.aulaclinic.com/
-Patients (Patient Experience Forum - Living Lab) (20 focal groups and 75 participants in 2021) https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/uploads/media/default/0002/77/9d52d7598494a2a45a34f19a56a6c4af1af6a0ae.pdf
-Citizens (PortalCLÍNIC) (+5 million visits in 2021) https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/portalclinic

CLC/InnoStars: France
Partner classification: Research, Tech Transfer, Clusters, Other NGOs
Partner type: Associate Partner
MADoPA is a Living Lab specialising in co-creation, experimentation and evaluation of technologies and services for the elderly. MADoPA is a non profit association created in 2009, financially independent and involved in multiple European, national and regional projects.
MADoPA, 2 Rue Gustave Eiffel, 10430 Rosières-prés-Troyes, France

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
UPM is a leader in healthcare technologies, with an outstanding participation in international research and innovation projects, alliances with leading institutions in medical research and a close relationship with hospitals R&D centers. The UPM Health Tech community is the flagship initiative of UPM, bringing together all Education, Research and Innovation capabilities in Health Care Technologies (Medical Device, Biotech and Digital Health). UPM HealthTech provides a stable interdisciplinary environment grouping UPM research groups/centers with high expertise and qualified infrastructure to address major challenges in Health Care, and to promote the start-up of new ventures issued by UPM community and regional/national/European Health Technology ecosystem, and to offer high quality and experienced educational programmes
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid) - UPM, Calle Ramiro de Maeztu, 7, 28040 Madrid, España
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Academic, Education, Research
Partner type: Associate partner
The University of Barcelona is the most intensive university in research in Spain. Our university has a great capacity for innovation in various fields, of which the health sector stands out both due to the amount and the quality of the outcomes produced by faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Nutrition or the Faculty of Psychology. Our activity within the EIT Health projects is often enriched and sometimes dominated by the technology and/or knowledge created in the Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science or even Fine Arts. We have also several Research Institutes that merge multidisciplinary teams working on topics as diverse as Neuroscience, Complex systems, Biomedicine, etc. as well as a couple of Technology Transfer Institutes such as CREATIO https://www.ub.edu/creatio/en/, the first Academic Center for the Production and Validation of Advanced Therapies in Spain, and Farmatec http://www.ub.edu/sdm/in_index.htm, a Service of Development of Medicines under GMP regulation
University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, 08007 Barcelona, España
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Key Activities in Business Creation
Key Activities in Education