Integrated care programme for patients with type 1 diabetes who use an insulin pump, improved with digital technology
INCAP provides an integrated care programme for people who have type one diabetes and use an insulin pump. The solution is built on three pillars:
- a remote monitoring support centre, to optimise control of the disease for each individual patient;
- an educational programme to empower patients;
- a communication channel connecting the hospital to primary carers.
Patients with chronic conditions need integrated care, and hospitals need to be able to provide such care. INCAP seeks to meet these needs for patients who rely on Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII, commonly called an insulin pump), by providing a holistic solution that has a positive impact on health outcomes, allows greater patient empowerment and improves communication between all the actors involved in care of patients. This support is important because stable patients with peace of mind enjoy better outcomes.
- Dr. Ros, Chief of section of the Pediatric Department at HUPHM, clinical leader.
- Dr. Giuseppe Fico (UPM) coordinator of the Education and Empowerment subgroup within the Action Group A1 – Adherence to Treatment of the EIPonAHA.
- Belén Núñez (Medtronic), pharmacist with more than 10 years of experience in different areas in the medical devices industry. She is responsible for the CSSR.
- Dr. Steven Flipse, expert in training and responsible innovation, from TUD, will be in charge of the training and education services.
The project
The project establishes an integrated system to follow up and provide continuity of care for type 1 diabetes patents who use Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion – an insulin pump. The care includes a Remote Monitoring Support Centre, which delivers an efficient and comprehensive service for device management, combined with an educational programme for patients and their relatives, to empower them for better self-management of the disease, increased adherence to treatment and improved clinical results.
The project uses remote digital technology to meet two very important needs that are currently not addressed by the healthcare system:
- Establishing a communication channel between the hospital and the patient. Information taken from remote monitoring of the insulin pump is presented as feedback to the patient, and reinforces the education/nutrition/exercise information that the patient received in the hospital.
- Establishing a coordination system between the hospital, and the primary carer to complete the comprehensive follow-up of the patient, involving all the stakeholders.
The INCAP project will have a positive impact on:
- Patients and their families, because it ensures better continuity of care and empowers patients to take better care of themselves, resulting in improved health.
- Hospitals, because it helps them communicate with patients and primary carers, thereby improving the results of their treatment.
- Payers, because monitoring ensures more efficient long-term care of chronic conditions.
Why this is an EIT Health project
This project promotes active ageing by helping patients handle a chronic disease. It is in keeping with the EIT Health Focus Area of “Bringing Care Home”, because it empowers type 1 diabetes patients who have an insulin pump to live at home while still enjoying monitoring from healthcare professionals and while benefitting from digital feedback that helps them take better care of themselves.
This project will provide a significant improvement of clinical and healthcare outcomes in T1DM patients treated with CSII by means of improved self-management capabilities, increased adherence to treatment and the achievement of educational and motivational goals, allowing the anticipation of adverse events and disease complications.
Dr. Ros, project clinical leader
CLC/InnoStars: Belgium-Netherlands
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Associate Partner
TU Delft is the largest technical university in the Netherlands and covers practically the entire spectrum of engineering sciences. An important characteristic of TU Delft is that we not only strive to be good at what we do, but also that we want to be good for something. At Delft University of Technology, we aim for a balance between pursuing world-class academic excellence, providing high quality education and developing expert solutions for societal challenges. Also key at TU Delft is the integration of research, education and innovation. Technical-scientific knowledge is a breeding ground for our education and innovation. Conversely, the interaction with students, companies and societal partners leads to new and unexpected research questions. Research, education and innovation inspire each other.
Our vision: Delft University of Technology contributes to solving global challenges by educating new generations of socially responsible engineers and expanding the frontiers of the engineering sciences.
Our misson
• We perform world-class research by combining science, engineering and design in a socially responsible manner. Thus, we advance and share the benefits of technology.
• We develop and enhance the expertise of tomorrow’s engineering leaders and educate professional, high-level and responsible engineers throughout their careers.
• We help to develop and deliver technology-driven, innovative solutions to societal problems through collaborations with leading national and international partners whilst being firmly rooted in Delft.
• We continuously improve our collective effectiveness, performance and organisational resilience through the principles and practice of professionalism, collaboration and openness.
Delft University of Technology - TU Delft
Delft University of Technology - TU Delft , Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, Netherlands
Key Activities in Research and Developement
Medical Imaging, Medical Visualization, Quantitative Medical Imaging, Developing better imaging systems, Cure and Care, Advances in minimally invasive surgery, Biomechatronics and BioRobotics, Designing Health, Targeted Molecular Therapy, Innovation in radiation for health, Nanoscale biophysics, Biocatalysis.
Others areas of interest: Positive Health (Lifestyle & Prevention), Design methods, eHealth and mHealth, VR, AR and serious gaming, Artificial Intelligence
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Municipality / City, Hospital / University Hospital
Partner type: Core Partner
Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS) is the public health provider of the region of Madrid. SERMAS belongs to the Spanish National Health System and provides services to more than 6 million citizens through 38 hospitals and 424 primary care centres. SERMAS is an international reference for high-specialized medicine; it is equipped with state-of-the art stage technologies and characterized by high-qualified health professionals distributed in three domains: primary care, hospital care and emergency care through SUMMA 112. SERMAS has one of the best public primary care systems in good coordination with hospital care and social services in order to provide integrated care and achieve real impact on patients and families. In order to improve health research management and coordination, SERMAS works with 13 Research Foundations that support from the economic and administrative point of view research and innovation that originates at university hospitals, primary care, the emergency medical service and public health covering all areas of specialties and including communication and information technologic departments. These public research foundations focus on innovation and translational research, seeking for real outcomes in healthcare. SERMAS is committed to ensure the continuous improvement of quality.
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision, Payers
Key Activities in Business Creation
Technology Transfer, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training
CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
UPM is a leader in healthcare technologies, with an outstanding participation in international research and innovation projects, alliances with leading institutions in medical research and a close relationship with hospitals R&D centers. The UPM Health Tech community is the flagship initiative of UPM, bringing together all Education, Research and Innovation capabilities in Health Care Technologies (Medical Device, Biotech and Digital Health). UPM HealthTech provides a stable interdisciplinary environment grouping UPM research groups/centers with high expertise and qualified infrastructure to address major challenges in Health Care, and to promote the start-up of new ventures issued by UPM community and regional/national/European Health Technology ecosystem, and to offer high quality and experienced educational programmes
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid) - UPM, Calle Ramiro de Maeztu, 7, 28040 Madrid, España
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Technical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training