Wellbeing, Health and Safety @ Work
We@Work helps prevent work-related injuries with a platform that combines Big Data, wearable sensors, IoT technology and ergonomics to monitor workers and detect threats to their health. The innovation identifies potential health problems for workers and issues alerts about risks and capacity losses in the workplace.
In 2013, the proportion of employees in the EU who reported work-related health problems during the previous 12 months was 10 %, or about 40 million workers. The We@Work platform can help to prevent work-related health problems in the immediate term, while collecting health data that allows for safer, healthier workplaces in the long term.
The We@Work consortium, led by Atos España S.A., includes several other EIT Health members: Quiron Prevencion, Karolinska Institute, KTH-Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden, and Stockholm County Council. Z-Health Technologies is an external partner working on the project.
The project
The We@Work platform monitors workers to identify risks of injuries or other health problems in the workplace. We@Work enables non-invasive data collection and customised analytics, providing employees with real-time information and periodic reports, which they can use to prevent work-related injuries and maintain a healthy working life. We@Work supports the worker and employer through pervasive monitoring for early warnings of health threats, prompt detection of capacity loss, accurate risk assessments at the workplace, and information that enables employees to manage their own health at work.
The platform takes advantage of new technologies, using wearables, Big Data, Internet-of-Things technology and mobile apps, to provide a key toolset that makes it possible to analyse common working scenarios and create a healthy, intelligent workplace.
We@Work can also address other challenges, such as the ageing of the workforce and the need to integrate holistic wellbeing and a health-and-safety culture into the workplace.
Immediate impact:
- Major initial beneficiaries are workers, because We@Work is designed to serve employees by allowing them to enjoy better health and to manage their own health and safety at work.
- Of course employers also benefit from the opportunity to reduce absenteeism caused by work-related health problems.
In the long run, a society with healthier workers benefits from reduced health costs and greater productivity.
Why this is an EIT Health project
With workers as the primary beneficiaries, this project has a strong focus on citizens and patients, who are supposed to be the ultimate beneficiaries of all EIT Health activities.
This project aligns with the following EIT Health Focus Areas:
- “Improving Health Outcomes in the Workplace”
- “Harnessing the Power of Real World Data”
- “Fostering Healthy Lives by Introducing Behavioural Change”
External partner
- Z-Health Tecnologies

CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical Universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Our research covers the entire medical field, from basic molecular biological research, to clinical epidemiology and nursing science. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. With our close relationship to the clinical world, a well-established infrastructure, a unique innovation system and financial stability, Karolinska Institutet has excellent prerequisites for sustaining high-quality research and education.
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Pharma, Med Tech, Diagnostics, Imaging, Nutrition
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Business coaching, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Entrepreneurship training, Medical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: Scandinavia
Partner classification: Education, Research
Partner type: Core Partner
KTH is Sweden's largest technical university with education and research spanning from natural sciences to all branches of engineering, including life science, mathematical and computational sciences, infrastructure in health, and medical devices.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvägen 8, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden
Key Activities in Corporate Innovation
Med Tech, ICT, Diagnostics, Imaging
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Incubation, Technology Transfer, Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Technical faculties, Healthcare professional education/training

CLC/InnoStars: Spain
Partner classification: Business
Partner type: Associate Partner
Quirónprevención is an occupational safety and health consultancy with more than 179.000 client companies and more than 1.816.000 medical check-ups per year. Besides we have to highlight the collaboration with a number of companies in R&D projects. A wide network of centres facilitates the day-to-day health and safety management in Spain and abroad. Due to an international vocation, Quironprevención has subsidiaries in 8 countries (Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Egypt) and consulting services in 25 others.
Quirónprevención, Calle Agustín de Betancourt, Madrid, España
Key Activities in Social Innovation
Healthcare provision
Key Activities in Business Creation
Testing & Validation
Key Activities in Education
Healthcare professional education/training