28th September 2021
EIT Health is pleased to announce the inauguration of our new Supervisory Board. Following their recent confirmation at the EIT Health Partner Assembly in September, we welcome five new members to the Board, including new Chairwoman, Lisa Shaw-Marotto.
The EIT Health Supervisory Board plays a vital role in our organisation, and therefore in driving healthcare innovation in Europe. The Board oversees the activities of EIT Health and monitors the definition, approval and fulfilment of the Strategic Agenda. The Board also appoints EIT Health’s CEO and COO, supervises their work and discusses and approves strategic decisions of EIT Health’s Management team. In September, after the ending of a two-year term, we celebrated the inauguration of a new Board, made up of both existing and new members.
The five new members joining our experienced board are Jorge Figueira, Head of Technology Transfer Office at the University of Coimbra; Chad Floe, Senior Advisor at TVM Capital Healthcare and deNovo Corporate Advisors; Bart Motmans, Innovation of Health Care Manager at KU Leuven and Chairperson of EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands´ Supervisory Board; Thilo Schumacher, Board Member and Head of Life, Savings & Health at AXA Germany; and Lisa Shaw-Marotto, leading Life Sciences Executive, who we are delighted to welcome as our new Supervisory Board Chairwoman.
Lisa Shaw-Marotto holds three decades of experience in the commercial areas of the pharmaceutical and vaccines industry. In addition to running her own consulting business, Lisa has held senior executive roles across several therapeutic areas within Merck & Co. and The Medicines Company. She is also a former member and Vice Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board for a French biotech company, Valneva SE. Her passion for launching innovative technologies to address important healthcare needs will make her an excellent fit at EIT Health, helping the organisation lead the way in answering Europe´s biggest health challenges.
Speaking about her appointment and her aims for the new board, Lisa said, “I am personally very excited to be joining the EIT Health Supervisory board after over 30 years in the pharmaceutical biotech industry. I´m shocked by the number of barriers preventing optimal healthcare not just in Europe, but around the world. The mission of EIT Health in identifying, accelerating, and implementing innovation in healthcare is therefore extremely critical work. Innovation has the best chance of being optimised in a network, and so I look forward to working alongside all the other Supervisory Board members and amongst our fellow colleagues to support the community in bringing this mission to life.”
Whilst we announce our new board, we wish good luck to the strong supporters of our organisation that depart us after long terms of service, including our previous Chair – Alexander von Gabain. We will remain in close contact, and we look forward to seeing their next ventures.
EIT Health will continue on its exciting journey of innovating healthcare in Europe. Please join us in congratulating all new team members in their upcoming roles and wishing them the best of success.
Find out more about EIT Health and its governance structure here.
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