4th April 2020
Platform for remote monitoring of citizens in self-isolation with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 offered to European healthcare providers
Hassisto’s COVID-19 platform allows for remote, user-friendly monitoring of patients who are in self-isolation with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, but who do not require hospitalisation. The platform will help to ease the pressure on healthcare providers who may have a limited availability of clinical staff during the pandemic.
As COVID-19 patients can see a rapid change in symptom severity, close patient monitoring is necessary to evaluate the change in clinical status and therefore the possible need to transfer patients to a hospital setting.
The platform simplifies remote consultations and the collection of important parameters for assessing the health of patients, as they can be easily instructed on how to measure and input their own vital signs into the platform (possibly guided by a healthcare professional over the telephone).
Hassisto is also set up to monitor already hospitalised patients, displaying vital parameters in a clear interpretation graphic.
Available via the web, it does not require any installation on a PC, smartphone or tablet.
ASK: Research contributors needed for CON-VICE study

University of Luxembourg needs European researchers to get in touch
OFFER: Funding available for COVID-19 research

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