RIS, 2019, RIS

EIT Health opens door to Greek start-ups

27th February 2019

EKT supports EIT Health in implementation of RIS Programme

The National Documentation Centre, one of the EIT Health RIS Hubs, actively supported the healthcare innovation ecosystem and the implementation of the EIT Health RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) in Greece during a January innovation competition sponsored by the National Bank of Greece.

“In January, together with the National Bank of Greece, we held the satellite event as the part of 9th Innovation & Technology Competition of the NGB Business Seeds Programme. For many start-ups in Greece, EIT Health is the only support they can find. As an RIS Hub, we are able to present EIT Health programmes and competitions to innovators from this part of the world”, says Giorgos Megas, Head of the National Documentation Centre (EKT).

The event sparked a valuable discussion between different stakeholders about questions like:

  • How to develop innovative platforms to analyse patient data?
  • How to develop smart materials for the production of sport casts?
  • How to increase the number of researchers entering the business market and validate their ideas?

It was also a great chance to present different opportunities that EIT Health provides to 22 Greek start-ups who took part in this year’s competition. During the meeting, Tesos Manos, CEO of PD Neurotechnology, who participates in the NBG Business Seeds program, presented his success story and lessons learnt regarding development, production and sales of his systems and devices that combine sensors and intelligent algorithms to support patients with motor disorders.

The co-ordination of the event was undertaken by Spyros Arsenis from NBG Business Seeds together with Giorgos Megas from the EKT and the head of the EIT Health Hub in Greece and the presentation of the groups by journalist Kostas Tsousousis.

For more information, contact :

  • Giorgos Megas,

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